I had a baby three weeks ago. Crazy. The past few weeks have been full of beautiful moments and quite honestly, some really difficult ones. Baby Charlie continues to be a great sleeper and eater. I am more attached to his sweet face every day, and can't believe how much I love my little man. While Miss Lucy is improving, we're still working with her during this difficult transition in her little life. She is crazy about "her baby" and loves to give him hugs and kisses. I feel like my recovery this time has been so much easier; consequently, we have been out and about quite a bit. Four days after getting home from the hospital we spent the afternoon at the zoo. The weather has been beautiful here in Atlanta and it was so nice to get outside after being so immobile at the end of my pregnancy.
It's never too early to teach kids the right team to cheer for....:)
The girls in my ward threw me a baby shower complete with a crepe buffet. Mmmm...... Check out this diaper cake that my friend, Karla, made. Crazy, right?
As stated previously, Charlie does a lot of sleeping...
...and pooping. This is the result of a particularly crazy diaper change.
He loves his bath!
Jordan's mom went home on the Thursday before conference. It was so wonderful to have her here! On conference Sunday Jordan and I decided to make ebelskivers, Danish pancakes in the shape of a ball. We got an ebelskiver pan for Christmas and have been excited to try them out. Both of our families have the tradition of making ebelskivers for conference, and this was the first time we made them on our own. They turned our fantastic!
Snuggling my kids.
The next day my mom came into town! Oh, we've been having a good time. Post pending on my mom's visit.
The rest of the pictures are just ones that I like. I'm too tired to think of anything else to say. Enjoy.