Mother's Day was wonderful this year. Jordan and I had to speak in sacrament meeting, which I had mixed feelings about. I actually don't mind speaking in church, but the Mother's Day talk?? I usually don't enjoy the typical Mother's Day talk where we people read the poem about the perfect/ideal mother and speak about how amazing their mom is. I've heard many women say that they leave church on Mother's Day feeling "less than" and I wanted to avoid this. I wanted to be sensitive to the many people who dread Mother's Day, so I took a much different approach. I actually talked about honoring mothers by choosing to get along in our families, whether this be our family of origin, the family we marry into, our ward family, etc. I ended with Elder Uchtdorf's remarks from April conference about mending relationships. I received some good feedback afterwards, so I think it went well. I had to teach my primary class right after, so the first two hours of church were a little stressful. The third hour was fantastic though. Our ward has the COOLEST Mother's Day tradition. During the third hour, they find men to cover all the women's church positions from the Primary chorister to the Beehives teacher. Then all the women gather in the Relief Society room, where a huge catered luncheon is waiting for them. One of the men in our ward works for Delta catering, so he organizes it every year. We get to just sit, eat, and talk for an hour. How is awesome is that?
This year for Mother's Day I wanted a grill. I'm tired of being limited to cooking in my kitchen. Jordan found this $700 grill for less than $180 with a brand new cover included on Craigslist. SCORE! We have been grilling every night since.
For dinner he cooked some delicious steaks and grilled veggies.
While waiting for our steaks, Lucy and I made some cookies together. I found a recipe for the BEST lemon crinkle cookies on Pinterest. Seriously, check it out. We devoured the cookies by the end of the day.
Happy Mother's Day to ALL the amazing women in my life!!!