The other day, Lucy, my mom, and I were watching a Mickey Christmas movie. (Can you tell that our home is run by the whims of a two-year-old?) Anyway, there's a part in the movie where Goofy is making Christmas cookies. Lucy looked at me with big, puppy-dog eyes and said, "Mama, can I have a cookie?" Well, unfortunately we had no cookies to be found so we decided to make our own cookies. Lucy was so excited, especially after we put on her new apron.
First, she measured out the butter.
Quick little taste test after the sugar was added.

Next, add some eggs...

And some baking soda...

Mmmmm.....needs a little salt.

A few ingredients later and.....

Voila! Cookie dough.

After much consideration this cookie dough is deemed......satisfactory.

Now to bake the cookies.

Thanks Grandma!