Well, January was a crazy month. Jordan is finally home from his two-week trip to Argentina and Chile, and Lucy and I are VERY happy for him to be home. I'm in the process of convincing him to do a post on his incredible trip. Here is a sneak peek. Can you believe how beautiful Argentina is? I unfortunately don't know the names of these places, but I love these pictures. In other news, Jordan was officially accepted to the Master's of Taxation program at Weber State. The M-Tax will only take an additional year, so we're excited to see a light at the end of the tunnel. Jordan is currently doing a second internship for Hansen, Barnett, and Maxwell, a regional accounting firm. He will begin working for HBM full-time next January.
Check out his beard!
Remember my crazy post about my biopsy gone bad? Well, the results came back and the good news is I do not have psoriasis on my face. The bad news is that I have a nasty form of dermatitis, which is very hard to get rid of. I'm on a new prescription, so we'll see how it goes. I wanted to give you a perspective of how labor-intensive putting on all my creams/ointments/gels/shampoos on my body each day has been. Here is a picture of everything I've been using since October. The good news is.......my psoriasis is healing!! The hundreds of crusty red scabs have now turned white and smooth. My skin stills looks funny with all of the white spots, but my dermatologist assured me that the pigment should fill back in. Hallelujah!!! The new cream I've been putting on my body spots works amazingly well. Each tube is $400, so you have to prove to your insurance that all the other creams/ointments don't work before they'll pay for it. It only ended up costing me $40 after my co-pay. So awesome. You want to know the best part??
This is my new-skin care regimen. I have ONE cream for my face, ONE cream for my body, and ONE shampoo for my scalp. Life is good.
Onto Ms. Lucy. Lucy is growing and changing so fast I can hardly stand it. She is now eighteen-months old. She has discovered that she can climb, and now feels the need to climb onto every chair/couch/bench she sees. When I got home from New York, I couldn't believe how much more she was talking. She is a never-ending stream of gibberish/jargon, with perfect inflection. I love how she jabbers at me and fully expects me to understand what she's saying. She makes me laugh all day long. Her new favorite thing to do is climb up on a chair with pile of books and read the books out loud.
This is Lucy her first Sunday that she went to nursery. She was awesome. She walked right in there without making any fuss, and was perfectly happy the entire two hours. I am LOVING not walking the halls with Lucy the first two hours of church. It is so nice to actually sit and listen during the classes.
Here she is before we went for a walk outside. She had a great time eating all the disgustingly dirty snow. I swear I couldn't stop her. Oh well, at least we're building immunity, right?