Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Saturday, September 18, 2010

A Weekend of Fun...

This weekend we headed to the Utah State Fair. The fair attracts all sorts of people. I think I would pay the $9 entry fee just to people watch. Lucy couldn't get enough of the animals. She was a never-ending stream of "moos" and "baas". Too cute.

Watching the sheep-judging.
Jordan's foot-long corn dog. Typical.

We spent today with the Walker clan. These girls love each other. Abbi takes good care of her kid cousin Lucy.
Tonight we ate at Applebee's and then headed to Orchard Lanes for some bowling.
I was the bowling champion. Jordan wishes he was as good a bowler as me.
Jessica, Kyle and Jenny
Jenny and Emma
Cute Abbi.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A Lame Excuse for a Post....

What is happening to me? I can't seem to muster any enthusiasm for blogging. Work is a little stressful right now, so by the time I get home all I want is to be with Jordan and Lucy. This is my attempt to get back into the blogging spirit. There hasn't been anything newsworthy in the past few weeks, but there have been some fun moments. For example:

My cousin, Aaron, came into town for a day and we got to have lunch with him. It was so good to see him!
My cousin, Janel, also came into town from Michigan. She spent the night at our house and we got the chance to catch up. This is us holding our babies. Can you tell which baby belongs to whom?
Lucy took her first step on her own today! She has been standing up and cruising around furniture for weeks. Let the new phase begin.
Last Saturday we headed up to Taylor Grove with Jordan's family for the morning. It was so fun to be together. Jordan took Emma and Lucy for a wagon ride.
Emma returned the favor.