Saturday, November 24, 2007

Rise and Shout!

BYU beats the University of Utah 17 to 10!! What a happy day for the Walkers and the Hales. The game was crazy intense and it all came down to the last minute, but we pulled out our BYU magic and were victorious. My husband is a happy man. Jordan and I sat in the middle of the U of U student section dressed in our BYU blue last year and were harassed horribly, so I can't say I feel bad for a SINGLE Ute fan out there.

After the game Scott and Jordan stormed the field and carried Michael Reed on their shoulders. Jordan was most excited about touching Max Hall on the shoulder (it must be a guy thing). None of us have voices left from cheering so loudly.

My dad is one of the biggest BYU fans out there.


Saturday, November 17, 2007

Time for a change

I went to get my haircut yesterday and decided I was sick of having the same haircut since sixth grade. Now, I didn't do anything drastic, but for those of you know me I've taken a leap. I actually love my bangs!

As you can see, Jordan wasn't exactly in the picture-taking mood.

We went to dinner at Benihana's to celebrate my mom's and my birthday. Yummy!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Autumn Days

This is my first attempt at blogging! For those of you who are professional kind! Jordan and I have had a BUSY autumn. Despite school and work we've managed to find time to have some fun. I've added some pictures of us when we drove the Alpine Loop to look at the fall leaves with my family.