Showing posts with label one stroke. Show all posts
Showing posts with label one stroke. Show all posts

My nails with some basic one stroke

Hi girls,

I just realized that I didn't do my own manicure as often as I used to, because I'm painting much more on tips, so here is a new mani I did on my nails... I also changed my nails form to russian almond, I feel like this shape is real feminine and gives a fragile sensation, so I'll wear my nails like this for some weeks :)

About the nail art, I used a gorgeous Sally Hanson diamond shine nail polish I got from Saori, I was really amazed by this polish, it has an awesome shine, really easy to apply, and I'm gonna confess that I was wearing this nail art more than 2 weeks, and the polish stays perfectly on my nails in all this time :P

Still One Stroke Practicing

Hi girls,

I'm still alive, sorry for being away this much, but believe me, I was painting in these days a few nail tips, and here is what I did:
and couple of flowers on paper:
So, which one do you like more? My favorite is the 2nd one on the 1st picture :)

One stroke practicing on Andreea / Practica one stroke - Andreea

Hi girls,

I want to share with you a mani I did to one of my friends, she was so kind she let me paint what ever I wanted, so because I'm a pink addict (:P) I painted some pink-white flowers (one stroke) and I also made her nails longer with UV Gel.
Fetelor, as dori sa va arat o manichiura ce am facut unei fete care era atat de draguta incat a mers pe mana mea in ceea ce priveste pictura, astfel i-am pictat niste flori roz-alb one stroke, dar i-am si prelungit unghiile cu gel. Sa va arat rezultatul.
This is how he came to me:
 Asa a aparut ea:
(inca aveam conditii bune de lumina penru a scoate o poza buna)
And this is how she left:
Asa a plecat:
Without and with blitz... It was awesomely bad light effect, so the colors are not that bright as they were in reality.
Fara si cu blitz.... Conditiile de lumina erau totalmente impotriva mea.. Nu reuseam nicicum sa scot o poza buna :((
 A last closer look ... O ultima privire apropiata.
She was so happy, as she made me happy too :) Thank you, Andreea! / Atat era de fericita incat m-a facut si pe mine sa ma simt in al noualea cer! Mersi, Andreea!

One stroke practicing / Modele one stroke pe tipsuri

Hi girls,

I want to share with you some one stroke paintings I did these days after I have decided to practice in the future much more than I did in the past :) So, in the New Year I've been practicing every day a little bit :) Here is what I did:
some roses, because I had the feeling that I'll never be able to paint them perfectly :((

something green that gives me the feeling of spring, which I can't wait :)
something about winter - and another tips with flowers

 And a final preview of all the practicing I ever did :)
I hope there will be much more coming up, and there will be more and more closer to those perfect ones that I'm dreaming of :)
That's it for today, take care girls! :)

Just a little practice

Hi girls,

I did some practice with acrylic paint on nail tips, check them out! :)

Buna fetelor!

Am fost harnicuta si am pictat niste tipsuri sa ma mai imprietenesc cu vopselele acrilice. Pareri? :)

Miss the summer one stroke nail art

Hi girls,

It's been so cold the past days, I've missed the hot summer days, so I decided to create a nail art with summer feeling "in memoriam" of the summer.
I used for base color a beautiful green, the color is awesome, but the polish itself it is a really bad one. I used six! coats to get a uniform base color, I had to wait 6-7 minutes after each coat - so, it takes some time... Here is that really weak nail polish from Golden Rose, and my base coat picture.... It looks awesome :( Lucky me: I used acrylic to hide the imperfection of it...
I wanted some one stroke because I didn't used this technique from a while, so I wanted to paint some simple roses with leaves.
Because it's been a while since I won't show you any one stroke, I made a video with some older one stroke nail art, just to review them once again.
I hope you'll enjoy it.
Kisses! :)

Dragele mele,

Anul asta ne-a surprins frigul prea devreme. Inca retraiesc amintirile zilelor toride de vara, pecand ieri dimineata am gasit masina in parcare inghetata de tot, afara fiind -4 grade... Am vrut sa realizez un model in memoria verii, in culori vii, jucause, pline de viata.
Am ales un verde foarte frumos de la Golden Rose. Desi nuanta mi s-a parut extraordinara, lacul in sine m-a dezamagit de tot. Dupa sase! aplicari am reusit o baza cat de cat uniforma... Timpul de uscare fiind de 6-7 minute / strat, am avut ceva de asteptat pana am obtinut culoarea dorita, desi rezultatul - dupa cum se vede si in poza - mai lasea de dorit... :(
E bine ca am scos vopselele acrilice si am pictat niste trandafiri ca sa mai acopar imperfectiunile bazei. Am pictat niste trandafiri simpli de tot, cu frunze, si mi-am dat seama ca dupa ce n-am mai folosit tehnica one stroke de ceva timp, mi-am cam pierdut indemanarea... :(
Daca tot aveam o stare nostalgica, am montat repede si un slideshow cu modelele mele mai vechi realizate cu aceasta tehnica, doar pentru o scurta recapitulare.
Sper sa va placa :)
Va pup! :)

One stroke roses / Trandafiri one stroke

Hey guys! :)

Here you can see the nail art I participated at Tartofraises's summer theme nail art contest. I didn't get too much votes, but I'm still quite happy, because I've got a honorable mention from Tartofraises. Her appretiation means much more to me than all the prices that are given in this contest. Thank you so much, Tarto :*
I'd also like to thank to all of you who votes for me, also I'd like to congratulate the winners :)
Ok, now about this nail art: I've started with a gold base color, than I've painted the roses vith one stroke technique, than the leaves (over the leaves I've put some light green glitters), than with the doter tool, I've put some red, white and black dots, just to give a kind of mpulse to the design.

I'd also like to thank to all of you who votes for me, also I'd like to congratulate the winners :)

Here is the link with the results of the contest:

Dragele mele,

S-au afisat rezultatele la concursul de nail art organizat de Tartofraises, cu tematica: vara. Aveti atasat pozele cu modelul creat de mine. Desi nu am strans foarte multe voturi, totusi sunt multumita, datorita aprecierii pe care am primit-o de la Tartofraises, mentionand in mod special lucrarea mea. Pana la urma, cuvintele ei inseamna pentru mine mult mai mult decat toate premiile puse in concurs :)
Multumesc deci ei, in primul rand, dupa care as dori sa va multumesc celor care m-ati votat, sa felicit castigatrii, si in mod special pe Kory, - mi-a sarit in ohci modelul ei din prima, mi se pare una extrem de reusita. Felicitari! :)

Ok, acum despre model: am folosit ca fond auriu mat, pe care am pictat trandafirii cu tehnica one stroke, apoi frunzele (aici am mai folosit si un pic de glitter verde deschis), apoi cu pucntometrul am dat designului o oarecare dinamica. Am finisat cu un lac transparent.

Pentru a vedea rezultatul concursului, copiati link-ul de mai jos intr-o fereastra noua si dati enter

Red roses / Trandafiri rosii

Hey guys,

I have decided to make some changes on my blog. Here are the major changes:
1. From now on I will only talk about nail art, nail polishes, nail treatments and so on (all about nails) - it's quite normal, as it's a nail art blog... :)
2. I will write this nail blog on english as well. By the way I apologize in advance for my broken english, for all the grammatical mistakes .. sorry, I'll try to do my best :)
3. I will show you much pictures with my nail art designs, and I will try not to bore you with all my kind of a stupid stories :)

For this nail art design I used acrylic paints, it's a one stroke nail art design with flower motive, so just perfect for summer! Instead of rose if you will try this out with a lighter color as rose for ex. you will get a more girlie nail art.
As you can see, I cut my nails and I also gave to them another shape.. I've just needed a change:) It feels a little strange with my new-shaped "short" (lol) nails, but I'll get used with them. I also think that the older shape it was more feminine and much more easier to wear.

Dragele mele,

Mi-am propus niste schimbari (majore) sa le fac pe blog, dupa cum urmeaza"
1. De acum incolo nu mai fac pe scriitoarea si va povestesc toate ideeile mele fara vreao legatura cu nail-art, ci o sa abordez teme ce tin de manichiura, nail art si ingrijirea mainilor si a unghiilor.
2. Am sa incerc sa traduc si in engleza ce am de spus, pe aceasta cale imi cer scuze pentru greselile gramaticale pe care veti sesiza cu siguranta... Oricum sa stiti, ca imi dau toata silinta :)
3. De acum incolo am sa va arat mai multe poze cu modele, decat sa va tin cu povesti nemuritoare :) lol

Asadar, ca sa si trec la subiecy: Pentru acest model amfolosit doar vopsele acrilice si tehnica one stoke. E super-potrivit pentru vara datorita motivelor florale dar si a cromaticii. Pentru o aparenta mai tonica incercati pe un fond roz.Dupa cate ati observat, mi le-am schimbat forma unghiilor, nu le mai port ascutite, ci le-am dat forma patrata. Sper sa ma obisnuiesc cu ele, desi mi-e dor rau de unghiile mele ascutite, care sunt mult mai feminine si mult mai usoare de purtat.