Showing posts with label gold. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gold. Show all posts

Black - gold glitter nails for beginners :)

Hi girls,
After a long silence in nail art here I am back again with a smooth, easy design. I used some colors I really don't like to combine together (gold with black - I prefer magenta, cyan or silver to be combined with black), but this time because of the gold glitter it has a gorgeous holographic reflex, I felt that it would be a lucky combination. :)

Buna fetelor!
Dupa o perioada prea lumga de tacere, iata-ma inapoi in gasca devotatilor de nail art! Vor da startul cu un model foarte usor de realizat chiar si pentru incepatori. Am folosit o combinatie de culori care in mod normal nu as alege, dar datorita reflexiilor holografice a glitterului pe care l-am folosit, am ajuns la concluzia ca de data asta ar fi combinatia perfecta.

In order to realize this design you'll need a black nail polish, gold glitter powder and gold hexagon glitter - big size - clear nail polish, base coat and the special brush to apply glitter powder.
Pentru realizarea acestui model am folosit un lac special de baza, lac negru, glitter praf si glitter hexagonal mare cu reflexii holografice, oja transparenta si pensula evantai pentru aplicaea prafului glitter.

Produsele folosite la acest model sunt disponibile pe site-ul Pentru a accesa magazinul on-line, dati click pe banner-ul de mai jos :)

An older debt of mine / O datorie mai veche de-a mea ...

Hi girls,

I promised you a few weeks ago that I'll share with you my short red nails, but I was not happy with the photos I took, so I keep trying till I gave up... So this is the best I have, I want you to know that in reality it looks much more sparking and much more glamorous. 
I used that hot polish I got from Saori, so sexy, so elegant :)
As you can see, I changed my nails shape as well... I was so bored so I made them a little more rounded.
For the nail art I used some glamorous golden metallic stickers:
That's it for this time, take care girls
Kisses and hugs to all of you :)

Purple nails - for beginners made with Look by Bipa

Hi girls,
These days are so busy, I didn't really got the time to do a nice New Year's Eve, I know I promised I will but....  I came up with a really easy nail art, and a really fast one, it only takes a few minutes. Actually I got some polishes from Austria, I wanted to try them out, so I did something quick, easy and to see how those polishes are. 
I love the color, but I was dissapointed because of the really small brush and zero shine of the polish It is needed base coat + 2 coats of polish + top coat to get a nice result. So, I'm not quite in love with this one :(
I also have a golden liner from the same brand: Look by Bipa, I really don't have anything to complain about it, because it's super cool, fast drying, thin brush, it's OK.
So, I planned to try out the red polishes I got from Saori lately, I was dreaming of a beautiful red nail art for New Year's Eve, and guess what happend! This:
So, I will wear anyway red nails on New Year's Eve, short red nails, I'll share it with you next days :)
Until than, I wish you a Happy New Year, May this New Year bring newly found prosperity, love, happiness and delight in your life.. and a lots of inspirations for us, nail art lovers.

Special french manicure

Hi girls,

Just a quick post today, without too much speech, I'm in a rush, so here is one of my favorite nail arts, I really enjoy to wear i. I found it simple and elegant, it's so easy to do it. The colors I would say they do not match together, but finally I'm really satisfied with this design. I was always saying how much I dislike black combined with gold, but when you put green to those two colors, that must to be something too much bizarre. With this design I realized that we had to be open for new ideas, for new color combinations, we had to dare to do something we used to believe that it would be wrong. Even if not all the time, but sometimes it might work. I guess, this time it turned out quite well :) What do you think? :)
Dragele mele,
O postare rapida, cu un nou model, care mi-a placut la nebunie pentru simplicitatea si eleganta lui. Desi intotdeauna am sustinut ca negrul nu da bine cu auriu, apoi daca pe langa astea doua mai punem si un pic de gri, e un dezastru cromatic :)... totusi, am indraznit sa combin aceste culori, si sunt foarte multumita de rezultat. Cu aceasta ocazie am inteles ca trebuie sa iesim din cand in cand din tiparele banale pe care de cele mai multe ori le creeam chiar noi, pentru ca o gura de aer curat ne poate face numai bine. Nu vreau sa zic ca trebuie sa renuntam la toate prejudecatiile noastre, ci doar ca merita din cand in cand sa trecem peste ele si sa indraznim sa facem experimente noi. 
Stiu ca majoritate fetelor care urmaresc acest blog fac parte din gasca celor care indraznesc, care incearca sa scoata ceva frumos de fiecare data din nimic, cum s-ar zice. Respect aceste fete pentru eforul si perseverenta depusa, pentru gustul rafinat pe care au reusit sa-l formeze si sunt mandra ca fac parte si eu din grupul acestor persoane. 
Va pup.
P.S. Sa-mi spuneti parerea :)

2nd autumn design on french manicure

Hi girls,

Here is another autumn nail art design, a more simple one than it was the first. I made a creamy french nail first - so it's not white, it's a creamy french - maybe it is impossible to see this on the pictures, but I guess, it's important. After that I draw one leave on each nail with acrylic paint, than I gave the design some dynamic by the golden motives.
I'm not satisfied with this nail art, I feel like something is missing, like the whole picture, the whole idea it has nothing to say. The problem is that I just can't realize what is wrong with it, so if you have any idea, please, let me know! I'd really appreciate your opinions. Thanks in advance :) Byee...

Buna dragele mele!

 Iata inca un model legat de toamna, unul de rebut as zice, pentru ca sunt total dezamegita de acest model. Ca si baza am folosit un french cremos, deci nu alb, ci culoarea untului, pentru ca am senzatia, ca un french strident nu mergea nicicum cu culorile toamnei. desi in poza nu prea se distinge, tin sa mentionez acest detaliu pentru ca il consider destul de important. In rest, am pictat cate o frunza pe fiecare unghie cu vopsele acrilice, s-spoi am incercat sa misc un pic toata imaginea prin acele motive aurii conturate cu negru. Pntru ca nu sunt deloc multumita si am senzatia, ca modelul in sine nu are absolut nimic de spus, ca e un model de fara suflet, cum ar veni, va rog din tot sufletul, daca aveti ideei, sa le impartasiti si cu mine: ce-i lipseste modelului respectiv, ce trebuia sa fac altfel ca sa am o imagine cu continut pe unghii :) Va multumesc anticipat si va pupic dulce :) Ciaooo

Antique gold spirals

Hi girls,

Today I'm gonna show you guys a quick, easy nail art, a very elegant one. This week I was wearing simple black manicure, without any nail art on it, cause I love simple black nails.But before I cleaned my nails of it, I did a quick nail art on it, so I'm sorry, the basic black is not that beautiful after 4 days of wearing, than it was after I applied.
I also wanted to try out my brand new antique gold acrylic paint, so I decided to combine black with gold. Because these two colors gives the idea of elegance, I wanted to do a manicure with baroque influences.
I really hope you'll like it, so I.m waiting for your opinions :)
Byeee :)

Dragele mele, Astazi vreau sa va arat un model foarte usor de realizat, in doar 5-10 minute si fara sa fiti inzestrate de cine stie ce talent de artist. Dupa ce saptamana asta am purtat o manichiura simpla neagra, fara vre-un model pe ea, inainte sa-mi curat unghiile am decis sa mai fac un model rapid pe ele. Totodata voiam sa incerc si noile vopsele acrile pe care le-am luat de la Moyra. Legat de ele pot sa va spun ca au o calitate mediocra, gradul de acoperire medie, iar pretul se incadreaza exact la calitatea produsului: medie.
Va rog sa ma scuzat pentru baza neagra, care nu mai e asa frumoasa ca dupa aplicare, deoarece are deja o "vechime" de 4 zile pe unghiile mele.
Astept parerile voastre despre modele, fie ele chiar si mai negative sau chiar descurajante. O critica constructiva este intotdeauna binevenita :)
Va pup dulce:) Ciaooo

Still roses

Hi girls!

I made an obsession of roses, so I hope you'll not get bored with the very same nail art as it was last time. I dream to reach perfection drawing those roses, so I need practice... :) It might seem like lack of inspiration, but you can also consider as a proof of perseverance - it sounds much better .... LOLAnyway, next time I promise to come with some brand new nail art, something special, until then... the same old roses... upgraded a little bit :)
I wish you all guys a lot of prosperity and inspiration for great nail arts :)
Hugs and kisses

Salutare mare!

Am facut o obsesie din trandafiri, nu ma pot opri, vreau sa le scot PERFECT. Astfel, iarasi m-am apucat de exersat, am schimbat un pic culorile, dar in mare e acelasi lucru ca si cea de data trecuta. Stiu... dau dovada de lipsa de inspiratie... :( Imi economiseam inspiratiile pentru un model foarte deosebit :) pe care am sa va arat undeva pe la sfarsitul lunii numai. Evident, pana atunci o sa mai revin cu alte modele, decat trandafirasii, dar deocamdata, dand dovada de perseverenta, revin cu acelasi model, un pic "reconditionat" fata de data trecuta :)
Va pup, si sa aveti mult spor si inspiratie pentru unghiute deosebite :) si nu numai ... :)

Inspired by tartofraises's gorgeous spiral nail-art

Hey guys,

I had to admit, I totally love spiral nail-art motives. You can see on tartofraises's blog some gorgeous spiral ideas for nail art that really turned me on. I feel like it's so aristocratic, so baroque, so absolutely elegant. You will feel just like a queen, when you'll wear such a nail art :)
I also have to say that I hate gold color, and all the other colors that are close to gold. But when we talk about baroque, you can't think of anything else but GOLD... so, I toke my one and only Golden Rose nail polish, I used acrylic paint and my detail brush for the spirals. At the end I used a top coat, that it's not too shiny, to get a more antique sensation.

I hope you'll like it :)

At the end there is a special announcement I had to make: I won 3rd place on 3TanjaJ3's vacation theme nail art contest with the pink-black nail art design, I've posted on my blog at 03.07.2010

Dragele mele,

Trebuie sa recunosc ca ador modelele cu spirale... Am gasit pe blogul lui tartofraises niste modele uluitoare, care m-au inspirat si n-am rezistat tentatiei sa nu incerc un asemenea model si pe unghiile mele. Spiralele te duc inapoi in timp prin fluiditatea liniilor parca te trezesti intr-o lume aristocrata, cu atata eleganta si extravaganta. Dar vorbind de baroc nu ne putem lua gandul de nuantele aurii, bogate in lumina si sclipire.
Totodata vreau sa va marturisesc ca detest nuantele calde, tot ce tine de auriu, portocaliu, galben, consider ca nu mi se potrivesc. Nuanta tenului meu parca cere culori reci, puternice sau mai blande, dar sub nici o forma nuante de galben.
Totusi, neputand rezista tentatiei, m-am dat cu singura mea oja de nuanta aurie (de la Golden Rose), iar pentru a desena spiralele am folosit vopsea acrilica si pensula pentru detalii. In final am folosit un lac transparent aproape mat, pentru a crea o senzatie de autenticitate, de eleganta trecuta prin ghearele necrutatoare ale timpului (ohh, ..foarte plastic am reusit sa ma exprim) lol

Oricum, sper sa va placa :)
In sfarsit, am sa va dau o veste minunata:
Am castigat locul 3 la concursul lui 3TanjaJ3 pe youtube, al carui tematica era vacanta, iar eu am candidat cu modelul pe care il gasiti postat la data de 03.07.2010.