Showing posts with label abstract. Show all posts
Showing posts with label abstract. Show all posts

Abstract autumn nail art / Manichiua abstarcta de toamna

Hi girls :)
In today's nail art I wanted to try out something new for me: combining abstract with flowers. I remember there was some time ago a contest on YT with such a theme, and I was having since than the desire to try that out. I also wanted to try out my new acrylic paints (they are gooorgeous, Yuppiii), so I used nail polish only for base coat and top coat. I do not make a video of this nail art, because you wouldn't be able to see a thing, as my camera is so weak and the details are so small, I tried to catch some moment while I was doing this design in order to help you understand how it was made. If you have any question about it, please don't hesitate to ask me :)

This week I had so many subscribers, I want to say a big WELL COME to all the girls who just joined my channel, I'm really happy you're interested in my so called nail art. I'm trying to do nail art since a year, so I'm not a professional, as you probably already realized, but I have a great passion for nail art. I try to help other girls with the same passion, so I appreciate every opinion of yours, you might be more original, you might have better ideas, so please, free yourself free to share them with me. I'm waiting for your comments, opinion, you can leave me your blogs URL, I'd happy to see your works :) 
That's for today,
Take care,

Dragele mele,
Astazi am un model in care am incercat sa combin abstractul cu floricele, folosind culorile toamnei. Pentru acest nail art am folosit doar vopsele acrilice (sa vedeti ca acrilice se folosesc si pt altceva decat one stroke), in afara de top coat si base coat, care evident sunt oje. 
De data asta nu qm inregistrat toata procedura de realizare, pentru ca detaliile sunt foarte mici si camera mea cu siguranta nu reusea sa redea mai nimic din ceea ce faceam. Dar am pregatit totusi niste poze in care sa va arat unele stadii de lucru pentru cei dornici sa copieze sau sa transforme in stilul lor acest model.

Cu titlu de NOUTATI vreau sa va spun ca am dat de niste acrilice superbe, intr-un final ma simt multumita de gradul lor de acoperire, de cat de repede se usuca si cum se intind. Am si luat decizia de a le importa, astfel incat in curand am sa va las si un link pentru cei interesati sa achizitioneze :) 

Saptamana asta foarte multe fete s-au alaturat blogului meu, cu aceasta ocazie vreau sa le spun BUN VENIT, sper sa gasiti informatii utile, surse de inspiratie sau alte informatii. In primul rand pentru ele vreau sa spun ca nu sunt o profesionista - cum probabil au si observat - imi fac singura unghiile fix de un an. Pasiunea mea in schimb pentru aceasta arta nu cunoaste limite, astfel incat daca aveti orice observatii, intrebari, comentarii, va rog sa ma intrebati linistite, pentru ca va raspund cu cel mai mare drag.

Atat pentru astazi,
Va pup dulce, aveti grija de voi :)