Busy as in 12 - 16 hour days nearly every day.
Busy as in weekends being worked
Busy as in most my spending money is still accounted for (usually its 2/3rds gone by this time each month)
Mike keeps telling me to be positive and hopefully things will slow down soon. So I've been trying to look on the bright side of things - here are a few blessings I can account for over the last few months
- An old developer wearing a superman cape rehired to come save me from this mess we're in!(He's not really wearing a cape, but in my head he is)
- My mom who spends lots of time with my kids each week - feels good to know I'm leaving them in her hands.
- A brother who buys me lunch and closes the door to my office to let me cry when I suffer a little breakdown.
- A dad who comes through the secret back door of my office each morning to check on me.
- A sister who drops everything to come tend for me at a moments notice
- And mostly - a husband who has stepped up beyond belief the last few months. He's stayed home from work so I could go in, come home from work early, let me cry (which I rarely do until this last month) and hugs me, offers development advise and help to make my life easier. Has become MR. MOM and does EVERYTHING for the boys these days. He came home tonight and CLEANED the wreck of my house. Brings home dinner and plays with the kids.
As I finished up an evening of work I walked into my room to find my three guys laying in bed, all with their ipads in hand (yes they all 3 have one) playing a lego game (its like a slot machine). All looking to see what the other had gotten and trying to beat each other.
When times get tough I try to remember this: