Showing posts with label dreams. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dreams. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Laundry Room

I never thought I'd spend so much time in my laundry room. In our old house we didn't really have a laundry room. It was in the unfinished basement right at the bottom of the stairs. Obvoiusly a man placed the hook ups where they did cause had we finished the basement you would have had to walk through the laundry room to get to the family room down there....seems a bit odd. My point being, when we built our current house I was just thrilled to have an actual room to call the laundry room. Not too much thought went into it.

Fast forward to 2 do the laundry now takes me 20 minutes or more just to load the dang washer. I have to spray n wash EVERYTHING. Jake's clothes causes he's not the cleaniest eater out there, Sam's clothes cause he's a walking burp cloth, my clothes cause he spits up all over me etc etc. I should own stock in the company cause I go through spray n wash like mad.

In my next house (come on a girl can dream) I'll rethink my laundry room a bit. Add a mud room and some personality to it all. Who knew I'd be spending so much time there!