Showing posts with label vacation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vacation. Show all posts

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Fish Lake 2012

Every other year since I was a little girl my family has gone to Fish Lake for a family reunion.  Since graduating from high school I think I've only made it once or twice.  I lived away, busy, didn't love to camp etc etc.

Since being married Mike and I have gone once in 11 years.  We decided this year our kids were at a good age where it wouldn't be a horrible trip and thought it would be fun to venture into the world of camping.

Decked out in fishing gear

shooting a bow and arrow

Jake's BFF Sophia

Our first boat trip

The boys on their boat

Big Jim helping us out 

Our first fish - as you can see we're all thrilled

Jake gathering wood

My cute boys

Grama with Dylan



All the boys

Mel and Dylan

Ty playing with Sam

3 Generations

Fish Lake
What a fun trip.  We ate, laughed, fished, and my boys cried!  But it was well worth the trip!  Can't wait to go back.  

Sunday, May 6, 2012

A Much Needed Vacation - Instagram Version

This last week the little family and I took off for a week of fun in Newport Beach.  I don't know if I've ever been so excited for a trip in all my life.  With the craziness of work these days, this was a much needed break.  Even if I had to work a little on this trip, who can complain with this view from our room?  

We hit up Disneyland and California Adventure.  This place truly is magical.  We haven't been in over a year, and I can't explain in words how much fun it was to see Sam here.  He is a fun child, but a hard child also.  I have never seen him more happy than he was here.  The only time he cried was when we had to get off a ride and he wanted to stay on.  Those tears quickly dried up as we told him we were running off to yet another ride.

We spent some time at the beach.  Its is so fun to watch the boys.  Sam is afraid of the waves and runs whenever one comes near him.  Jake is the opposite and runs right into the ocean.  Not caring at all if his clothes get wet.  He even screamed at one point "I love the water" I love that I have water babies.  We also ventured an hour or two to spend some time with Mike's brother and his family.  So fun to see them.  We even left the kids and hit up a casino for an hour or was dreamy - I haven't done that in years!

Sam was happy and excited the whole vacation.  Telling me how the roller coaster goes "there, there, and there really really fast" using his arms to motion the there and there.  He said cheese for every pictures and loved the fireworks.

Jake and I rode on the Tower of Terror together.  So funny to watch the differences in these two boys.  Sam is so excited and animated while Jake is very composed and virtually no emotion on his face.  Then we get off the ride and he says - "so how did you like it?"  As if he's 50 and I'm 10.  I was screaming and he didn't make a sound.  About 5 minutes after the ride he said, that was awesome, and that I didn't need to be nervous cause it wasn't scary at all.  How big this one has gotten.

Overall - it was a wonderful week.  Usually at the end of a vacation I'm ready to come home - not this time.  I could have stayed forever.  I could have moved there.  No desire to be home whatsoever!  Luckily we are hoping to go back in the fall to see Cars Land open in California Adventure.  Sam will go nuts!

Photos above are ones I took in Instagram and have no idea how to make them bigger or smaller (weird that one is bigger than the rest) or mess with that app at all - I'll have to read up.  I do have some great pictures on my camera I'll post once they are downloaded.  Until then, I love the image of Jake and Sam running on the beach.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Beach Days

We're having a blast - getting some sun and I'm playing with Instagram on my phone - fun pics to come!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Pure Bliss

After a really crazy, long week at work - a really long LONG flight - we landed in heaven.

I get homesick for Hawaii.  I dream about ocean sunsets, the sand in between my toes and the sound of the waves crashing against the shore.  I am a beach person at the core of my soul.  No matter where I am - cold or warm - if the beach is nearby I have to get my toes buried in the sand - and my feet wet in the water.  Its just who I am. 

Yesterday we spent the morning walking the beach.  We saw the new Disney hotel that just opened, ate some breakfast, and watched Sam wave wildly at Mickey who was also visiting the Disney Hotel.  It was so much fun to see him get so excited.  He stood - leaned over a chair starring at Mickey or trying to run into everyone's picture with Mickey all morning long. 

All through breakfast Jake asked if he could go to the beach, "I need to get my toes wet" he said over and over again.  Made me smile to know my little guy feels the same way I do about Hawaii.  As we landed the night before he had been asleep, it was late, he woke up and said to me, "Mom we're here, I'm so excited to be in Hawaii."  Over the last 36 hours he has repeated that numerous times and told me how much he loves Hawaii.

We walked til we were sore yesterday, filled up the car at Costco, bought a few beach toys, napped, hit the pool and then the beach. 

I felt the sand on my toes, the waves move me through the water, a little sun on my face.  Watched Jake swim like a fish, watched others comment on how good a swimmer he is.  He played in the ocean for the first time, chased after fish, created science projects of how the water moved his toys.  Laughed as Sam screamed nervously as the sand moved from underneath him, was curious of the ocean and how it all worked, buried toys in the sand, and chased after birds. 

Unplugged from the world - no laptops, phones, or ipads.

Today we'll actually take the camera with us.

A day with my little family, in the sun, at the beach, making new memories....pure bliss.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Road Trippin

- A packed car full of food, sewing machines, and a few clothes
- Two ipads to make the world a better place
- Bubble Guppies playing again and again and again
- A little light screaming from Sam (for an HOUR)
- Walmart stop at 10pm to buy Benedryl to ease the light screaming from Sam
- Arcades and rides all to ourselves - boys are in heaven (all 3 of them)
- Bottle of milk, pillow for Jake = QUIET from Cedar to Vegas

Do people with small children normally drive 6 hours at once?  May need to rethink a planned road trip to California this summer....First road trip with Sam - glad we are here and trying not to dwell on the fact that we have to make the same drive home.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Mother's Day Love

Not the picture you expected to see with the Mother's Day Love title, right?  I am hoping this little package of pretties finds a home with me this weekend! 

As for my real Mother's Day weekend - it started off with the cutest little card, from my little guy Jake. 

It will be ending with a quick trip down to Vegas.  Can you say lay out (right with 2 little ones), sun, shopping (again, right with 2 little ones) and maybe a little sewing...

Vegas with two little boys doesn't sound like the most fun - but 96 degree weather sure does!  I've been working, and working, and working the past 2 months which has caused me to ignore my kids, my husband, my sewing, loose my mind, and nearly drive me crazy!  A little R&R is much needed - even if it is in Vegas with 2 crazy little guys.  Will send updates along the way.

Hoping you have a warm Happy Mother's Day weekend too.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


I've been neglecting this blog lately.  I've been busy cleaning my house, got some added responsibility at work that has kept me busy, and we've been doing a little bit of playing around.  We spent the last 10 days in Orlando with this group of crazies!

This is my brother James, his wife Becky, and kids, Taylor, Jack, Hogan, and Luke.  (Say those 4 names REALLY fast and that is how Jake says their names). 

We had a blast going to the DisneyWorld parks, Spring Training baseball game, swimming, playing poker, eating, and laughing.  It was so much fun to spend a week with this family and to watch my boys play with my nephews.  I'm here to say no matter the age difference, Jake thinks these boys are his best friends. 

It was so nice to have the help of not just James and Becky with my crazy kids, but it was like having 4 built in babysitters!  Mike and I actually got to ride on some rides together!  Aunt Becky made quite the impression on my kids and gave Whit a run for the favorite Aunt title....James also made quite the impression....he likes to make them cry....good times. 

We made such good memories, and I love that my kids got to know their cousins a little better.  Sure wish we all lived closer so we could spend more time together. 

This last week made me reflect on no matter the distance of time that goes by without seeing family, there is a strong bond and love that is like nothing else in the world.  Nothing is more important than our families.  We had such a good time and already miss you guys!  Thanks for sharing our vacation with us!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Newport Coast

The last two years we have tried to slip away to Newport Coast, California for a week in October. 

We have taken my in laws and we have a great time!  This year was another success.
We hit the beach - which Jake LOVED

  But Sam SLEPT through
We hit Disneyland a few of the days

The whole park was dressed up for Halloween.  I am always amazed at all the detail and the small things Disney does up for the guests.

We went to Mickey's Halloween party - on Halloween.  Not our brightest idea.  It was WALL TO WALL people.  You could barely walk.  I have never been to Disneyland when it was so crowded.  We went back a few days later when there were no crowds and it was pure bliss!

Sam tried some cotton candy out and loved it.  It may be the only thing in life that will keep him happy in his stroller.
The boys had a good time even with the crowds.

We loved hanging out in Newport with Aunt Gina and Uncle Gary.  Gina SPOILED the kids to no end! 

We also got to play with cousins Kelly, Gavin, Owen, and Charlie.  I have to say spending time with that cute little Charlie almost makes me want to try for a little girl....ALMOST!

We had such a good time with my great in laws.  I love watching the kids interact with them.  They even tended for us a few times so Mike and I could get away.  It was a fun, relaxing trip. 

Too bad we can't stay on vacation all the time!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

A Week in Pictures

We took a trip to Oahu last week.  Jake loved the sun, beach, pool, everything about it...Sam took a little more time to warm up to the sun.  I wonder sometimes if he's really mine.  How does he not worship the sun???  We invited my brother Ty and his wife Mel to come along and we had a blast.  It was so much fun to get away and to have some help with the kids.  Mel and Ty are due to have their first baby in October and I hope we make this a tradition to pack up the kids and head to Hawaii every few years!  Mike and I tried to find rooms to stay an extra week, but it didn't happen.  We all didn't want to come home, it was wonderful!  Here are a few pics to remember the trip by.
The cabana boys hard at work.
Sam puts everything in his mouth, including sand
A view from our resort
 Sam trying to walk on the beach
 Jake and Sam at the Dole Plantation
Ty and Mel at the Dole Plantation
Visiting the Dole Plantation
 Sam sitting in a high chair for the first time
 Ty and Mel tended the kids one morning so we could go golfing.  This is just one of the beautiful shots we got from the course.  It was so nice to be able to get away for a bit. 
 Another cool golf course picture
Another view from our resort 
Sam on the beach
The boys hanging out on at the beach
Sunset at our resort
Ty and Mel at Turtle Bay
Swimming with the kids
Mike and Jake on the Dole train

It was tons and fun.  I had never been to Oahu before and I think it just might be my new favorite Hawaiian destination!