Showing posts with label 3 sisters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 3 sisters. Show all posts

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Chocolate Bars - Christmas Quilt Project

This may be my most favorite quilt I've made so far.  I had originally thought to give it to Mike, but the longer I worked on it - the more it was screaming someone else's name.  It is going to be hard to part with.

I used the Chocolate Bars pattern by Cotton Way.  Copied the front pattern to a T.  The line is by 3 Sisters called Chocolate.  It was my all time most favorite 3 Sisters line.  I loved the prints, the wovens, even the border is from that line and is a very almost flannel like brown color.  The only issue I had is working with the wovens and the soft brown everything was stretching!  Makes it hard to get  my sashings to line up.

For the back I used a small plaid/gingham and used a blue and brown stripe on the bias for the binding.  I quilted it in a simple stipple design.  This screams my brother's name and I think he'll be excited to have a warm blanket to take home.

This is a quick and easy pattern and I think screams boy - which is hard to find sometimes.  I think I'm most excited to give this quilt to him than anyone this year.  Hope he likes it!