Rodomi pranešimai su žymėmis Mirabilia. Rodyti visus pranešimus
Rodomi pranešimai su žymėmis Mirabilia. Rodyti visus pranešimus

2012 m. gruodžio 30 d., sekmadienis

2012 m. sausio 17 d., antradienis

Mirabilia - Six Geese a Laying

Mirabilia - Six Geese a Laying

Mirabilia - Six Geese a Laying, Platinium Belfast linen, DMC, Kreinik, Mill Hill Beads

Mirabilia - Six Geese a Laying
Mirabilia - Six Geese a Laying

2012 m. sausio 2 d., pirmadienis

Mirabilia - Santas Sleigh

Mirabilia - Santas Sleigh

Mirabilia - Santas Sleigh, Platinium Belfast Linen, DMC, Kreinik, Mill Hill Beads

Mirabilia - Santas Sleigh
Mirabilia - Santas Sleigh

2011 m. gruodžio 27 d., antradienis

Blitzen (Mirabilia)

Blitzen (Mirabilia)

Blitzen (Mirabilia), White Belfast Linen, DMC, Kreinik, Caron Waterlilies, Mill Hill Beads

Blitzen (Mirabilia)
Blitzen (Mirabilia)

2011 m. balandžio 27 d., trečiadienis

U is for Une (Mirabilia)

U is for Une (Mirabilia)

U is for Une (Mirabilia), Belfast Platinium Linen, Crescent Colors, Kreinik, Mill Hill Beads

U is for Une (Mirabilia)
U is for Une (Mirabilia)

2009 m. lapkričio 18 d., trečiadienis

Ring around the Rose Tree (Mirabilia)

Ring around the Rose Tree (Mirabilia)


Ring Around the Rose Tree (Mirabilia), 32ct French Lace Linen by Wichelt Imports, 43 DMC,7 Mill Hill Beads, 262x199

More: here

The Last Day of Summer
Ring around the Rose Tree (Mirabilia)
Ring around the Rose Tree (Mirabilia)

2009 m. rugpjūčio 21 d., penktadienis

Ring Around the Rose Tree (Mirabilia)

Ring around the Rose Tree (Mirabilia)

Valiovaliovalio, baigiau:)

Ring Around the Rose Tree (Mirabilia), 32ct French Lace Linen by Wichelt Imports, 43 DMC,7 Mill Hill Beads, 262x199

At last I have finished it!

Ring around the Rose Tree (Mirabilia)
Ring around the Rose Tree (Mirabilia)
Ring around the Rose Tree (Mirabilia)
Ring around the Rose Tree (Mirabilia)
Ring around the Rose Tree (Mirabilia)
Ring around the Rose Tree (Mirabilia)

2009 m. rugpjūčio 13 d., ketvirtadienis

Ring around the Rose Tree (Mirabilia)

Unė ir Skaistė

Pagaliau pajudėjau į priekį:)

Ring around the Rose Tree (Mirabilia,32 ct french lace linen by Wichelt Imports, DMC

Little by little...

Ring around the Rose Tree (Mirabilia)
Ring around the Rose Tree (Mirabilia)
Ring around the Rose Tree (Mirabilia)
Ring around the Rose Tree (Mirabilia)

2009 m. balandžio 20 d., pirmadienis

The Easter Fairy (Mirabilia)

The Easter Fairy (Mirabilia)

Įrėminta fėja

The Easter Fairy (Mirabilia)

Framed fairy

The Easter Fairy (Mirabilia)

The Easter Fairy (Mirabilia)

The Easter Fairy (Mirabilia)

2009 m. balandžio 2 d., ketvirtadienis

The Easter Fairy (Mirabilia)

The Easter Fairy (Mirabilia)


The Easter Fairy (Mirabilia), Natural Belfast linen, Crescent Colors, Kreinik, Mill Hill beads

For my daughter Une:)

The Easter Fairy (Mirabilia)

The Easter Fairy (Mirabilia)

The Easter Fairy (Mirabilia)

2009 m. sausio 15 d., ketvirtadienis


O šis elniukas - dovana Unei

Nora Corbett "Dancer

Framed "Dancer" - a Christmas gift for my little daughter Une

2008 m. rugpjūčio 1 d., penktadienis

Two Girls Under the Rose Tree

Pagaliau jau dvi mergaitės šoka po rožių krūmu. Pradėsiu trečiąją...

Mirabilia "Ring Around the Rose tree"

Finally there are two girls dancing under the rosebush. I'll start the third one...