Howdy from Georgia! It’s been a while since I last posted, and I wanted to touch base with all of you for a bit. This will be quite a lengthy post, so please bear with me as I clear the air about some things that have brought to my attention.
When I first started blogging a few years ago, I did it as a means to share and document some of the paper-crafting I was doing at the time. I was enjoying perusing the internet, other blogs and paper-crafting communities to find (and try to be) some inspiration. I “met” some fabulous ladies and gentlemen in the process of blogging and cardmaking, and even got to spend some time with some local ladies that also shared a love of stamping and crafting in general. But I also “met” a lot of individuals who were one thing on the computer and another in real life. I guess that’s the dark side of the world wide web…anyone can act and/or portray themselves as anything they wish without being policed or held accountable. Such an incident happened earlier today while I was checking the comments waiting to be reviewed for publication. A “certain unnamed stamper” left a comment (which has been deleted by me) stating that she was so disappointed in the direction that my blog has gone since I left the stamping community, and that she would not be returning to view my blog again. She went on to imply that the posts I created regarding the books that I have read over several months upset her to no end. She is entitled to her own opinion, and quite frankly, so am I….so here we go!
I have always tried to keep my blog posts light-hearted and “fluffy” as to be an inspiration and positive experience for the readers….all of the readers (unless I needed to vent, of course). This “certain unnamed stamper” insinuated that I should be posting more “Christian” things since I had stated over a year ago that I was taking a break to focus on my walk with the Lord. As a result, there were several weeks and months when I didn’t post anything to my blog so that I could get my spiritual life on track. During that time I sold or gave away every stitch of stamping and crafting stuff that I had accumulated over the years. Wanna know the WHOLE truth???
I walked away from the crafting community because of women like this “certain unnamed stamper”! My personal experience in the stamping world is that most (not all, but most) of the people out there are simply looking out for Number One, and Number One ONLY…and they don’t give a flip who they demolish in the process. I have witnessed and been privy to backbiting, lying and scheming, and deceitful behavior the likes of which would make your hair stand on end! ALL FOR THE MIGHTY DOLLAR AND ATTENTION!!! And then after months and months of having NOTHING to do with that community, I’m reprimanded and belittled for not being “Christian enough” in my posts on my personal blog. My relationship with the Lord is NO ONE’S business but my own, but to set the record straight….those books were read at night whenever I layed down to go to sleep (and I still do the same thing). They were read after I had spent the day as a stay-at-home mom and devoted wife doing all of my chores and household duties for the day. They were read after I had spent my quiet time with my Bible and my Lord. They were read in order to help me wind down and fall asleep…much like people watch television as they fall asleep. Yes…I could have used that time to read the Bible again, but I didn’t. I had a teenager in my home who was reading these books and others like them, so I was making sure that I knew EXACTLY what was in them…and I enjoyed most of them. That doesn’t mean that I’m any less “Christian” than the next person either. I’m sure there are people out there who sit on their couches and enjoy questionable television shows when they should be reading their own Bibles, but I’m not about to judge or call out someone when I don’t know their heart or their character.
It’s been said that we should guard our character which is who we actually are, and we should think less of our reputation which is what people think we are. I have walked away from communities, friendships and relationships (including some of my own family members) in order to guard my character and protect my family. I was raised here in the South by Christian parents who instilled in me that your words should be the truth, your walk should match your talk, and right is right even if no one else is doing it. I’m not one who enjoys drama or controversy, but I’m not afraid to stand up and defend myself when necessary either…and when someone threatens my integrity I find that highly offensive. You don’t have to like me or every single thing that I post on my blog, but that’s just it, isn’t it??? It’s MY BLOG. I’m not gonna be on here every day bearing my heart and soul to individuals who would rather be trying to tear someone down than to lift them up…that’s not who I am. I have made bad decisions just like everyone else, but I’m at the point in my life where I am making no apologies for who I am or what I stand for…to ANYONE! I can’t tolerate liars or those who think they are “holier than thou”…and I won’t tolerate them. All I can do is pray for these people, NOT associate with them, and do what’s best for me, my husband and my children…after all, they are the ones I answer for.
If this post offends anyone, then you are welcome to stop following my blog. I will not lower or compromise my standards simply because they don’t conform to everyone else’s morals and/or beliefs. I will not be changing the format of my blog either…I will post what I want when I want. Welcome to America and the South! Amen.