
Showing posts with label Ramblings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ramblings. Show all posts

Sunday, December 1, 2013

…Time Flies



It seems like only yesterday that this precious and beautiful little lady entered our lives, and it’s even harder to believe that she will be celebrating her 9-month birthday at the end of this week! I can’t imagine loving her more than I do today, but each passing day brings more love and affection with it. She’s my pride and joy, and she’s the apple of my eye.  I’m so proud to call her mine, and so thankful that she calls me “Memma”. God is good all the time…and all the time, God is GOOD!

Until later...

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Sunday, March 10, 2013

…Our New Addition


I would love to introduce you to Miss Kaylee Marie Gurley, my precious granddaughter. Her mother, Jordyn, gave birth to our princess this past Wednesday afternoon, March 6th. She was born at 2:20 pm, weighed 7 lbs. 3 oz., and was 20-1/2 inches long. She and her mother came home Friday…both are healthy and perfect!

Our oldest son, Christian, met and fell in love with Jordyn when she was already pregnant with our angel.  I must admit that it was hard, as a mom who had become pregnant before I was married myself, to accept that my child had fallen in love with a girl who was pregnant with someone else’s child.  And I was also afraid that Christian didn’t understand the responsibility he would be taking on stepping into the role of “daddy”.  But as we began to learn and know more about Jordyn, we fell in love with her, too…and of course, we began to feel as though Kaylee was our granddaughter by blood as well.  As I’ve told many others before, once I love you there is no going back…I will always love you!

I am so excited to see what this life has in store for Christian, Jordyn, and Kaylee. Although I know that there are rough times ahead and periods of adjustment that they’ll go through, I am confident that the Lord will guide them and help them to raise our new little angel. And they will always have us and Jordyn’s mother, Kristi, to lean on.

I look forward to spoiling and loving this precious little bundle as long as God allows me!

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Friday, December 28, 2012

…Back In The Saddle Again

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Yep…you guessed it! I’m taking photographs again, and I must say that it feels wonderful to be back behind the looking glass! I will be sharing both photos and stories from time to time, so make sure that you’ve subscribed to my blog to keep up with the latest posts. There will be recipes, reading lists, and lots of randomness (is that a word???  well it is now)! I will also be redesigning some graphics and headers for the blog, so you are also in store for a new look! BIG CHANGES COMING!!!

Until then…


Thursday, October 25, 2012

…Clearing the Air

Howdy from Georgia!  It’s been a while since I last posted, and I wanted to touch base with all of you for a bit. This will be quite a lengthy post, so please bear with me as I clear the air about some things that have brought to my attention.

When I first started blogging a few years ago, I did it as a means to share and document some of the paper-crafting I was doing at the time. I was enjoying perusing the internet, other blogs and paper-crafting communities to find (and try to be) some inspiration. I “met” some fabulous ladies and gentlemen in the process of blogging and cardmaking, and even got to spend some time with some local ladies that also shared a love of stamping and crafting in general. But I also “met” a lot of individuals who were one thing on the computer and another in real life. I guess that’s the dark side of the world wide web…anyone can act and/or portray themselves as anything they wish without being policed or held accountable. Such an incident happened earlier today while I was checking the comments waiting to be reviewed for publication. A “certain unnamed stamper” left a comment (which has been deleted by me) stating that she was so disappointed in the direction that my blog has gone since I left the stamping community, and that she would not be returning to view my blog again. She went on to imply that the posts I created regarding the books that I have read over several months upset her to no end. She is entitled to her own opinion, and quite frankly, so am I….so here we go!

I have always tried to keep my blog posts light-hearted and “fluffy” as to be an inspiration and positive experience for the readers….all of the readers (unless I needed to vent, of course). This “certain unnamed stamper” insinuated that I should be posting more “Christian” things since I had stated over a year ago that I was taking a break to focus on my walk with the Lord. As a result, there were several weeks and months when I didn’t post anything to my blog so that I could get my spiritual life on track. During that time I sold or gave away every stitch of stamping and crafting stuff that I had accumulated over the years. Wanna know the WHOLE truth???

I walked away from the crafting community because of women like this “certain unnamed stamper”! My personal experience in the stamping world is that most (not all, but most) of the people out there are simply looking out for Number One, and Number One ONLY…and they don’t give a flip who they demolish in the process. I have witnessed and been privy to backbiting, lying and scheming, and deceitful behavior the likes of which would make your hair stand on end! ALL FOR THE MIGHTY DOLLAR AND ATTENTION!!! And then after months and months of having NOTHING to do with that community, I’m reprimanded and belittled for not being “Christian enough” in my posts on my personal blog. My relationship with the Lord is NO ONE’S business but my own, but to set the record straight….those books were read at night whenever I layed down to go to sleep (and I still do the same thing). They were read after I had spent the day as a stay-at-home mom and devoted wife doing all of my chores and household duties for the day. They were read after I had spent my quiet time with my Bible and my Lord. They were read in order to help me wind down and fall asleep…much like people watch television as they fall asleep. Yes…I could have used that time to read the Bible again, but I didn’t. I had a teenager in my home who was reading these books and others like them, so I was making sure that I knew EXACTLY what was in them…and I enjoyed most of them. That doesn’t mean that I’m any less “Christian” than the next person either. I’m sure there are people out there who sit on their couches and enjoy questionable television shows when they should be reading their own Bibles, but I’m not about to judge or call out someone when I don’t know their heart or their character.

It’s been said that we should guard our character which is who we actually are, and we should think less of our reputation which is what people think we are. I have walked away from communities, friendships and relationships (including some of  my own family members) in order to guard my character and protect my family. I was raised here in the South by Christian parents who instilled in me that your words should be the truth, your walk should match your talk, and right is right even if no one else is doing it. I’m not one who enjoys drama or controversy, but I’m not afraid to stand up and defend myself when necessary either…and when someone threatens my integrity I find that highly offensive. You don’t have to like me or every single thing that I post on my blog, but that’s just it, isn’t it??? It’s MY BLOG. I’m not gonna be on here every day bearing my heart and soul to individuals who would rather be trying to tear someone down than to lift them up…that’s not who I am. I have made bad decisions just like everyone else, but I’m at the point in my life where I am making no apologies for who I am or what I stand for…to ANYONE! I can’t tolerate liars or those who think they are “holier than thou”…and I won’t tolerate them. All I can do is pray for these people, NOT associate with them, and do what’s best for me, my husband and my children…after all, they are the ones I answer for.

If this post offends anyone, then you are welcome to stop following my blog. I will not lower or compromise my standards simply because they don’t conform to everyone else’s morals and/or beliefs. I will not be changing the format of my blog either…I will post what I want when I want. Welcome to America and the South! Amen. 


Friday, July 6, 2012

…Just Start

start with whats necessary

I absolutely love this quote from Saint Francis of Assisi.  When I began my life transformation a little over 3 months ago, I never imagined that I would be down 58 pounds and still going strong!  Where or when is the best place or time to start, you may ask?  Just start…you won’t be sorry!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

…How It Should Be

exercise, eat, ignore

Of all the changes I’ve made these past few months, these three have had the biggest impact on my life and my health.

#1: EXERCISE to be fit.

#2: EAT to nourish your body.

#3: IGNORE all the negativity.

I’ve made a conscious effort to increase the amount of fresh fruits and veggies that I consume, to increase my personal activity level and exercise regime, and decrease or eliminate all the unhealthy stuff.  It’s been a little over a month and I’m already noticing changes in how I feel, how I look, and how my clothes fit. I’ve lost over 20 pounds so far {but I have a LONG way to go still}, and it has given me just enough incentive to keep going and change my life for the better.

Not only am I reaping the benefits physically, but I’m also finding that the exercise helps clear my mind and even relaxes me.  I sleep better, I find myself in better moods, and I experience less stress during the day.  There’s apparently a lot to be said for that “runner’s high” you get from exercise; however, I’ve heard it said that it’s not really a runner’s high, but actually relief from not dying!  ;)  Either way I feel good after a couple of hours of elliptical and resistance training.

One day at a time. One workout at a time. One pound at a time.  I AM WORTH IT!!!


Thursday, November 24, 2011

…Happy Thanksgiving

thanksgiving table 2011

“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.” ~ JFK

Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

…Did You Think I Was Gone For Good?

I’m still here!  I’ve been enjoying a long and wonderful summer with my hubby and boys, but they had to go back to school today.Sad smile After spending the summer vacation free of deadlines, stress, and drama I’ve decided that I will no longer be stamping.  It was a fabulous hobby that was fun and very fulfilling while it lasted, but the time has come to let it go and start another adventure.  I will always be thankful and appreciative to all of my faithful and precious followers, and I will miss you more than the stamping and creating!  You all made every moment worthwhile.

With that being said, I am here to let you all know that I will be having a HUGE everything-must-go stamp sale starting tomorrow.  After I have sold all of the stamp sets I will begin selling off all of my cardmaking accessories: cardstock, patterned papers, ribbons, etc.  As soon as the sales page is ready to view, I will add another post above this one announcing the official sale and the link to the page with all of the information you’ll need to get started shopping.

Thanks again for a wonderful ride, and for your sweet and loyal friendships.  I will miss you all!


Monday, April 11, 2011

…”Priority Determines Capacity”

With that being said, I have decided that I am going to be giving the Lord more priority in my daily life.  After our study last night at church with Andy Stanley called Time of Your Life: Part Two ”At Capacity”, I am changing my life’s priorities around.  First of all, I will not be wasting my time on FB statuses or checking the statuses of others when my time can be better spent chasing after God and what He wants to show me as I spend more time with Him and in His Word.  I will still have a FB account, but I will not be spending (or wasting) so much time on it.  Yep…I’m was one of those FB junkies!

There are so many other things that eat up my time during the day that keep me from being more productive in the things that REALLY matter...God, family, faith, and others.  I will not be posting to my blog as much either (even though I've already taken great strides to minimize my time on that already).  I am deciding that it is more important for me to spend time seeking the things of God than the things of the world.  When I look at the timeline of my life I realize just how short it every day brings me closer to the end...and how each day passes more quickly than the last.  And quite frankly, I think I've wasted enough of it.

So TODAY I choose to reprioritize the rest of my life, my time, my talents, and my everything.  I want to bring glory to God.  I pray He uses me in a GREAT and MIGHTY way.  I pray His holiness and guidance drenches everything that He puts ahead of me.  I pray He forgives my doubt and laziness.  And I pray He helps me to keep His Word and to follow HIS instructions.  Time is too short to live for anything else.  Once God is THE BIGGEST priority in my life I know that everything else will line up as it should.

"Consider the lilies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; but I tell you, not even Solomon in all his glory clothed himself like one of these.  But if God so clothes the grass in the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the furnace, how much more will He clothe you?  You men (and women) of little faith!  And do not seek what you will eat or what you will drink, and do not keep worrying.  For all these things the nations of the world eagerly seek; BUT YOUR FATHER KNOWS THAT YOU HAVE NEED OF THESE THINGS.  But SEEK YE FIRST HIS KINGDOM, and these things will be added to you.  Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has chosen gladly to give you the kingdom.  Sell your possessions and give to charity; make yourselves money belts which do not wear out, and unfailing treasure in heaven, which no thief comes near nor moth destroys.  For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."  Luke 12:27-34 (NASB)


Thursday, March 10, 2011

…Sharing A Little Savings

As many of you read the other day, I have started couponing recently…and I LOVE it!  I wanted to share some of the savings that I’ve gotten from some of my outings!


This first picture was my very first time shopping at Publix back in the middle of last month, and here’s what I came home with:

  • 20 Progresso Soups

  • 4 packs Mama Mary's Pizza Crusts

  • 4 DiGiorno's Shaved Parmesan Cheese

  • 2 Crisco Extra Virgin Olive Oils

  • 4 Eckrich Farm Sausages (2 smoked, 2 kielbasa)

  • 2 Ziploc Sandwich Bags

  • 2 Nabisco Honey Maid Graham Crackers

  • Betty Crocker Deluxe Brownie Mix

  • 3 lbs. Onions

Spent $80 for $180 worth of groceries…56% SAVINGS


This second picture was from a combined trip to Bi-Lo, Target, and Walgreens.  What all did I bring home?

  • 4 boxes Cheerios Cereal

  • 2 boxes Trix Cereal

  • 2 boxes Cocoa Puffs Cereal

  • 2 boxes Crunchy Nut Cereal

  • 3 Pillsbury Toaster Strudels

  • 4 Febreze Air Effects

  • 1 Aquaphor Lip Repair

  • 1 (20 ct) Excedrin Tablets

  • 1 Gillette ProGlide Power Razor

  • 1 Baby Magic Hair and Body Wash

  • 2 packs Orbit Gum

Spent $26.63 for $60.55 worth of groceries…SAVINGS OF 56%


This was the haul from my trips to CVS, Walgreens, Rite-Aid, and an impromptu visit to Wal-Mart on Tuesday.  What all did I come home with?

  • 2 packs (40 ct each) Pampers Diapers Size 1
  • 3 boxes Kellogg's Raisin Bran Cereal
  • 1 Single-serve Kellogg's Apple Jacks Cereal
  • 6 boxes Tampax Pearl Tampons
  • 3 packs Orbit Gum
  • 8 Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs
  • 2 packs Nestle Crunch Eggs
  • 2 packs Wonka Spree Jelly Beans
  • 2 packs Dove Peanut Butter Eggs
  • 2 packs Ghirardelli Chocolate and Caramel Squares
  • 3 Colgate Maxfresh Toothbrushes
  • 3 Colgate Maxwhite Toothbrushes
  • 2 Lysol Disinfectant Wipes
  • 2 Febreze Air Effects
  • 6 Dawn Dishwashing Liquids
  • 2 Mr. Clean Magic Eraser 2 packs
  • 4 boxes Pediacare Infant Drops
  • 1 Garnier Moisture Rescue
  • 1 Garnier Skin Renew
  • 1 bag of lemons (not on my original list, but I needed them for dinner yesterday)
  • 2 packs Starkist Tuna Pouches
  • 8 can Bumblebee Tuna

Spent just over $80 for $232.61 worth of groceries…SAVINGS OF 65%

I think I’m getting the hang of combining sales prices with a number of coupons to rack up some pretty serious savings overall!  I’ve even been able to start a small stockpile!  Thanks to a wonderful couponing class at my mom’s church (given by Lori Hyde…thanks, lady!) and several online couponing blogs, I’m learning to become a better steward with our household money and I’m also filling my home with food and products that my family needs on a daily basis.  Gotta LOVE those coupons!  If you have any questions about couponing just leave me a comment, and I’ll post my answers for you one day this weekend.

That’s it for today!  Thanks for stopping by, and I’ll see you back here tomorrow with another card.    Until later…

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Saturday, February 5, 2011

…The Joys of Life

Happy Saturday, everyone!  I’ve been editing and adding to watermarks to some of the photos that I’ve been asked to take for several friends and families over the last few years, and I wanted to share some of my favorites with you from a number of categories.  Yep…I am into photography, too.  Grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and browse through the joys of life! :)

Young Love:



























So what do you think?  Should I even dare pick up my camera to do this again, or should I leave it in the closet where it’s been in hibernation?  Unlike most photographers of today, I LOVE using my still camera instead of a digital camera…don’t ask me why…I’m just goofy that way! ;)  If I ever came across a digital that I was curious about I’m afraid that I wouldn’t even have the nerve to pick it up…I have my still camera’s settings and apertures memorized.  Who knows…I might end up swept into the digital age one day! LOL!

That’s it for me today…thanks for stopping by!  I’m heading to my creative corner to do some coloring, but I’ll see you back here tomorrow with a little something {or two}.  Until then…

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Monday, January 10, 2011

…SNOW Much Fun!

As many of you already know, the south has been hit by some serious winter weather…and we’ve ended up with almost 8 inches of snow so far.  Luckily we have a 4-wheel drive truck, so we’re able to get around alright.  As a matter of fact we’ve already been out to check on my parents, and the guys have gone back out to check on my hubby’s parents and do some sledding.  I have TONS of work to do here around the house, but I wanted to share this video of my hubby and his little girl, Maggie, playing in the snow (you might remember some puppy pics that I posted last year of her…notice that she isn’t that small anymore!  LOL):

That’s it for me today!  I have some chores that need to be done, so I’ll see you all back here tomorrow with a card using By LORi Designs!  Until then…

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Saturday, January 1, 2011

…A Few Of My Favorite Things from 2010

Another year has come and gone, and we’re at the beginning of a new one.  I wanted to take a look back and share some of my favorite things from this past year with you all today. 

It’s hard to believe that I was watercoloring at the beginning of the year, then my life changed with the arrival of my Copic Sketch Markers!  In the words of my sweet friend, Jessica Diedrich…”Taste the rainbow, baby”!  LOL!  My life hasn’t been the same since these little puppies arrived. :)


Then there was my favorite new recipe of 2010…Lemon Pasta with Roasted Shrimp:

lemon pasta with roasted shrimp 

My favorite trip of 2010 with my favorite people, Pam Varnell and Jessica Diedrich…Summer CHA in Chicago, IL (pictured with Sankari Wegman…she happens to be another favorite of mine):

Summer CHA

And of course there are my favorite photos of my favorite fellas:

Christian- 16 years old


Gabriel- 14 years old (pictured with his best friend, Jessica)


And my gorgeous-yet-goofy hubby, Chuck (pictured with our niece, Danielle):


Then there are my favorite cards from 2010:

January 2010


February 2010


March 2010


April 2010


May 2010


June 2010


July 2010


August 2010


September 2010


October 2010


November 2010


December 2010


What are a few of YOUR favorite things?  Will you continue doing those things, or will you start a new adventure in the new year?  I don’t know about you, but I want the adventure…bring on the NEW!  I can’t wait to discover all of the soon-to-be favorite things, and I can’t wait to share it all with you in 2011!

That’s it for me!  I want to wish you all a happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year!  Thanks for stopping by for the trip down memory lane, and I’ll see you back here Tuesday with a card for By LORi Designs. Until then…

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