Today's Verse |
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
I love Bad Weather Days
Sunday, January 25, 2009
I love Sundays
Yeap, that is oatmeal all over the cabinet and floor. After we had put the oatmeal in the batter I walked over to get a spoon to mix it with, she leaned over using the bowl for balance, and, well, over it went. Oatmeal everywhere. It was easy to get cleaned up. We have just bought a new handbroom and dustpan, so I just swept it up and dumped it back in and we were back on track!
Oh, come on! I am just joking! I cleaned up the mess, measured out more oatmeal and we finished our task. I must say, they were a very tasty dessert after a wonderful meal of pork chops and sausage that Frank cooked out on the grill. Mattie May was asleep by 7:30 because she is still not feeling her best.
It has been a wonderful day. I am so blessed. Enjoy the scrapbook and have a great week.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Katie Can't Cook!
I must admit, she comes by the cleaning part naturally, I don't either! But I do sew and Frank hasn't starved since we have been married. And since we are going on a quarter of a century, I must do something right in the kitchen.
I got to thinking about poor little Mattie May. If they ever move out, who will teach her to cook? I feel part of this responsibility falls to me. I did, after all, have two grandmothers that were both great cooks and I think I did pick up a few things from them. Don't believe me? Just ask anyone on either side of my family about MeMaw's chowchow and Mattie B's strawberry cake, just to name a couple of things. My mom is a good cook too! Can you say broccoli cheese casserole? And when it comes to biscuits & gravy and all things on the grill, my dad is the best!
So, anyway, I have been trying to find things Mattie May can do as we prepare supper in the evenings. She really is a big help. I think when she learns to read, she will be ready to really put something together on her own. And this got me to thinking, I love to take pictures and document all the things she does. I was putting together a scapblog of her making peanut butter cookies for the first time and the light bulb when off over my head. I am going to make her a scrapblog cookbook for her when she is older! What a great keepsake. I get to cook and scrap, she gets knowledge and recipes from her childhood!
Here is the beginning. Please let me know what you think!
There will be some reorginization as I add to it, and the instructions will grow as she does. I just know that some of MeMaw's recipes are gone forever and I want Mattie May to have as many things to pass along as she can.