Showing posts with label siblings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label siblings. Show all posts

Monday, June 29, 2009

Letter "Y"

Today I am participating in A thru Z Mondays, hosted by the fabulous Jen at Unglazed. Be sure to visit her blog if you would like to participate and visit other bloggers that are joining in the fun!

Today's letter is Y. My letter "Y" is for my YOUNGER sister - Stefanie! (If she were here, she would point out "much younger." In fact she made sure to tell everyone during her maid of honor speech at my wedding. When everyone found out we were 10 years apart - cuz people thought I looked young for my age - there was a collective gasp across the crowd. No - just kidding - I made that up. Only my hubby Greg gasped.

Here she is holding her niece Scout. (You really didn't think I was going to give up an opportunity to post a gratuitous photo of my dog Scout now did you?)

Anyways, I can't boss her around like I used to. (I had a straw doll I used to scare her with when we were kids to keep her out of my room. One time my brother hid it in her bed and she about had a heart attack at the age of 5 when she found it. My mom tossed it - and thereafter my brother and I lost leverage over her!)

Don't you wish you were my YOUNGER sister???