Showing posts with label log cabin neighbors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label log cabin neighbors. Show all posts

Monday, April 20, 2009

Envying my neighbor

Try not to focus on that fallen tree in the lake. As some of you are aware, I'm very fascinated by my mysterious neighbors! (Remember the one that flashed her truck lights and decided to check out my cabin at midnight? Or the old man who used to scowl at us during construction? Or the lady across the lake who didn't return my call when I invited her over?) But I do have cool neighbors down the street that have goats and have told us to come "kick in" their door if we need anything. Now that's a neighbor!

Anyways, can you see what's tempting me in this photo? I want to climb that wooden tower, yell something (maybe yee haw!) and jump in the water! And afterwards I would love to swim to that raft and lounge around. Do you think this neighbor will let me? Or do you think they'll call the cops? (Greg, don't worry, I won't do this. Maybe. Maybe not. Get some bail money ready...)

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Let's peek at my neighbors!

I want to introduce you to some of my neighbors. I'm a social person and I'm really hoping to get to know more of my neighbors and invite them over. Greg says maybe if I didn't stand out on the deck in my crazy sheep or kitty pajamas snapping photos, maybe they would come over.

This is the house across the lake from me. These are the people I wave to when I'm wearing my fleece pajamas. They don't wave back. I don't think they can see me. I don't think they are ignoring me....hmmmm. Anyways - an older lady with her son and daughter in law live here. The older lady I met at the Lake Association picnic and she's very nice - a big shot now in the community. I called one weekend to invite her over to a get together. Never got a call back. Maybe she was busy. Maybe they don't like my pajamas.

There is a wooded lot that separates my property from this yellow house. The lady in this house introduced herself to me this past summer - she was the one along with a friend who pulled her truck into my driveway at 12:00 a.m. one summer night and flashed their lights into my cabin. They didn't know I was home. They scared me because I thought someone was casing the joint. Anyways, she apologized and seems nice. Now should I pull up my Mariner in her driveway and give her a friendly honk at 2:00 a.m.? No, I'm just kidding. Really.

This family is on the other end of the lake and their blue house, blue deck, blue boat has caught my interest. Are they a blue family? Perhaps they like the blue man group? Perhaps they look at my house and think - look at all that wood - they must be boring! Anyways, I'll have to go introduce myself because I saw that they have a chocolate labrador dog I must pet!

Wouldn't you like to be MY NEIGHBOR???