Try not to focus on that fallen tree in the lake. As some of you are aware, I'm very fascinated by my mysterious neighbors! (Remember the one that flashed her truck lights and decided to check out my cabin at midnight? Or the old man who used to scowl at us during construction? Or the lady across the lake who didn't return my call when I invited her over?) But I do have cool neighbors down the street that have goats and have told us to come "kick in" their door if we need anything. Now that's a neighbor!
Anyways, can you see what's tempting me in this photo? I want to climb that wooden tower, yell something (maybe yee haw!) and jump in the water! And afterwards I would love to swim to that raft and lounge around. Do you think this neighbor will let me? Or do you think they'll call the cops? (Greg, don't worry, I won't do this. Maybe. Maybe not. Get some bail money ready...)