Showing posts with label log cabin critters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label log cabin critters. Show all posts

Monday, March 23, 2009

Log Cabin Critters

Even though Friday was off to a bad start due to all the cars stuck in the snow, we did have a lovely weekend at the log cabin. (And I'm more grateful than ever that our paved road is plowed!) The men did play paintball and I stayed out of the way. I spent time this weekend hiking and photographing the beauty of northern Michigan. I wanted to share some of my cabin critters from this past weekend, they bring me much peace and joy.

I still have those feisty pine siskins hanging around! They can empty a thistle feeder in less than 10 minutes.

My red squirrel likes to eat all the spilled birdseed off our deck. Aww!

Can you see my Chickadee singing? He was either singing for a mate or food - or Both! LOL!

Can you spot my junco in the tree? These birds usually don't leave until winter is officially over.

I hope you enjoyed today's cabin critters and that sunshine is headed your way!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Log Cabin Critters

One of the best parts of where our log cabin is located is seeing all the "critters" that we share our land with. The woods and lake provide a great habitat for wildlife. I still remember the thrill of seeing an eagle snatch a fish out of our lake this past summer. And seeing a coyote stroll nonchalantly across the frozen lake. Come meet a few of my friends.

This is "Baby" - my tame little baby squirrel. She runs right up to me on the deck and sits on her two legs waiting for me to give her some food. (Greg keeps saying I'm going to be sorry when she bites me and I have to get 200 rabies shots - but I'm willing to take the risk!)

From 2009_01_31

Of course I love these Black-capped Chickadees and love how some of them eat of our hands. They still seem to prefer to eat out of Greg's hands more. I don't know why. Maybe I need to sit down with them and explain who puts out all the bird feeders, refills them and takes photos of them to show everyone what supermodels they are.

This past weekend I got to see my first Common Redpoll. They are sweet and feisty little birds. It was fun to watch them battling the Pine Siskins for the thistle feeder.

From 2009_01_31

The sweet songs of a goldfinch warm my heart. They bring the promise of spring in my eyes.

From 2009_01_17

"I know I just woke up, but aren't I the cutest cabin critter of all?!"