You know how everything tastes better on a barbecue after you've been outside all day? Well I also think I sleep better at the log cabin after a day of trekking in the great outdoors. Something so exhilarating about breathing in that fresh air, seeing all of nature's beauty and then coming back to my cabin retreat. When I get into bed I think I have the best mattress in the world (I really don't know if I do - but it certainly feels like it) and then as I hear the night time music of the woods - the peeper frogs and crickets (this would be summer time) - I drift off into the best sleep of my life. And hopefully Greg doesn't start to snore because then I contemplate picking up my pillow and...well never mind! But if the cops come to your house, you don't know nothin!!
This is what northern Michigan is like.
I think I need more pillows....

P.S. A couple neat things going on in Bloggy Land!
- Hot Belly Mama is celebrating her 30th birthday by giving away a Bumgenius diaper along with Charli's soap. Please click here to enter.
- Darla at Family & Flowers is having a soy candle giveaway. Please click here!
- Charli & Me has info on "Poem in your Pocket Day" if you would like participate!
- American Way Farm has posted one of the funniest stories I have ever read about a rooster! (Warning - it's a little on the dark side!)