First you start off with a hungry bird! Did you know that the Black-Capped Chickadee is known for being the 1st bird to visit a new feeder? I know this to be true because when I put up a new feeder last week, all the other birds were freaked out and wouldn't go on it. But my Chickadee was there within minutes.
You'll need unsweetened peanut butter, pine cones, bird seeds (I like the mixed fruit & nut variety - looks prettier), rubber spatula, plate for the seeds and pipe cleaners.
Tie the pipe cleaner around the top of the pine cone. Use your rubber spatula to spread the peanut butter around your pine cone.
Hang it on a pine tree and just watch those birdies go crazy! This Chickadee licked this pine cone clean!
P.S. I also strung some popcorn and cranberries and made a garland around the tree. Forgot to take a photo of this so hopefully next weekend!