Showing posts with label Loon Ranger. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Loon Ranger. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Loon Ranger Rides Again!

I believe it was Carolyn at Mountain Musings who joked to me that the "Loon Ranger rides again" in reference to my loons returning to the lake at our log cabin. That made me laugh! But it is true - I am a Michigan Loon Ranger. I will be monitoring the Loons on our lake and recording data as well as making sure they stay safe.

I found a wonderful poem that I recently posted on one of my 20 million blogs (Ha! Poor Leedra & Betsy who are so kind to read all my blogs!) that I would like to share with you.

Lakehood - a poem by Loons Forever

a lake
needs a loon
to laugh with the moon
to be a lake

By the way, I'm getting tired of shooting these far away shots of my Loons so I am headed out on my kayak this week to get some better photographs. I don't care how cold it is. Hopefully I don't tip. Because then I would wreck my camera before succumbing to hypothermia.....

Also, if you've thought about getting a kayak - now is the time to do it! There are great sales at Dick's Sporting Goods and REI.

And now a GRATUITOUS plug of Shelley's Nature Store.
A sale for Mother's Day!
When you check out, put in the code 10MOMDAYSALE for 10% off!

It's only good through April 30th.
I have many matching gift items, things for a godmother, new mother and more!