What are your recommendations for some good summer reading?
One of my favorite books is "Reflections of a Life Up North" by Deborah Wyatt Fellows. This book features stunning photography of Nothern Michigan and a collection of articles, columns and letters that Deborah wrote about the joys of the seasons, a magical childhood, lakes, fishing,card games and all those things that make north country a great place to live and vacation at.
Some of my other summer choices:
- "Fowl Weather" or "Enslaved by Ducks" by Bob Tarte. Both true and funny stories - perfect for animal lovers.
- Interested in life in Alaska? Then try "If you lived here, I'd know your name" by Heather Lende. True story of a writer in Alaska - funny and sad.
- Staying in my Alaska theme - a great story about a self-sufficient man named Dick Proenneke - "One Man's Wilderness." I have read this book about 10 times. The documentary is great too!
- Feeling in the nature, reflective, deep thoughts mode? How about the classic "Walden" by Henry David Thoreau.
P.S. I was thinking about organizing a book swap between a group of us bloggers. Let me know if you're interested and if we get enough people, I will set it up!