Showing posts with label Log Cabin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Log Cabin. Show all posts

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Fall is coming!

I can't think of a better place to spend Autumn than at our log home in northern Michigan. Our fall decorations are out but nature puts on the best show.  This is also the time of year when migrating birds pass through so it's a great time to get out those binoculars. Bring on the hot apple cider and pumpkin pie!

P.S. Are you ready to plan your own log home dream? I can help you! Please visit my website at  We became dealers for Hiawatha Log Homes after we built one of their homes in 2008.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Finishing our log home basement

After 7 years in our log home, we finally finished the basement!  Well I take that back, it's about 80% finished.  We need to put up the ceiling and add more furniture but for the most part it's ready! 

Our log home was built on a sloping landscape so we added the walk out basement which greatly increased our living space.  I can't tell you how nice it is to sit on this couch and view the lake - it's frozen but it's still a lake view.  :-)

In other news we have ventured back into the log home business.  The economy is picking back up in Michigan and there are still great deals for land to build on in Northern Michigan.  If you are interested in a log home, please visit our website at www.bearcountryloghomes. We would love to help you make your log home dream a reality.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

That's a lot of snow!

We've had over 113 inches of total snow fall so far in the area where our log home is located.  Right now I feel like I am working for the propane man and the snow plow man! Though I do have to admit it is pretty and I've enjoyed the powder for snowshoeing and skiing. How is winter in your area?

Thursday, October 24, 2013

It's snowing in Northern Michigan!

This morning I woke up to this powdered sugar winter wonderland!  The high temperature today is 37 degrees.  Autumn is definitely over!  Has anyone else had an early snowfall?

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Elk Viewing - Part I

Greg and I went Elk Viewing this weekend. Not too far from our cabin is Gaylord's Elk Park. It is 108 acres and has approximately 70 elk along with various type of deer and even a ram. We had tried going to the Pigeon River Forest to view them in the wild - but never have any luck. So of course I have to head to the park to cherry pick some photos! :-)

Check out the rack on this bad boy!

He did a loud bugle for us and it was thrilling to hear! If you want to hear what it sounds like, check this link out:

Here a friend joins him asking him what is he making all that racket about. (It was over a female of course!)

I have a couple more photos to share - one of Greg feeding them that was very cute. (It was through the fence - don't worry! I didn't let him climb in there. Though I thought about it....ha,ha!)

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Take a country drive with us...

When we are up at our log cabin, we sometimes like to go exploring and take country drives. I'm always looking for beautiful scenes and wildlife to photograph. If you go a little further outside our town of lakes and trees, you can find some nice surprises.

Let's head down Wilkinson Road. We'll pass a ski resort along the way.

Here's a nice little creek (or river?) that we stopped to admire along the way. You can hear the stream running over the rocks and the water is very clear.

If we head over to the other side of the road, the creek continues. Still plenty of snow here in Gaylord!

As we go further down the road, we are starting to see farm pastures.

Well looky here! Here are some moo moos!

This guy actually looks pretty mellow. If you want to see a more intimidating cow I photographed at this farm, click here.

Well it looks like it's time for lunch! Let's head back to the log cabin and I'll make you some Macaroni & Cheese. Sound good?

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Tree of Life

We are headed up to the log cabin tonight for a much needed getaway weekend. The hubby had a rough week at work (due in part to a criminally acting ex-employee) and if I told you what happened, you would be as outraged as me. So I am swooping my husband up and taking him to our log kingdom. I think the cabin will take away the stress. We will go snow shoeing and look up into the trees and appreciate their beauty. We will forget about bad people in the world and instead think about the good ones we know. We will breathe in the fresh air and look at all the miracles of life that surround us.

P.S. Don't forget to enter my giveaway posted below!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Retail Therapy

I think everyone in bloggyland knows how disappointed I was that we weren't able to make it to the log cabin this weekend. Well I'm done complaining! I did a little "retail therapy" and headed over to one of my favorite bargain stores (Garden Ridge) to pick up some home items for the log cabin! (P.S. While I do love that store, I am confused why they never have enough people at the cash register but 20 people out on the floor socializing. Hello people?!)

Isn't this an adorable little bird feeder? I will set it on the deck railing and fill it with some treats!

Aren't these metal stars great? I've decided on a more rustic - hint of cowboy theme for the loft. I bought 2 large bronze metal stars to hang on the wall.

Well now that I have the metal star wall hangings, I had to have this star lamp on the right! (Usually I'm not so matchy.) This lamp was only $10!! Yes, you heard me right, $10!!

Doesn't an Adirondack rocker sound great for the deck? Rocking back and forth with a daiquiri in my hand and looking out at the lake....
I didn't buy any yet cuz they're not on sale. But soon they will be and I'll snap up two of these!

Well thanks for joining my retail therapy session! Be sure to check back on Tuesday for details of my GIVEAWAY! I appreciate all of you who visit (even the lurkers who don't leave comments! ha, ha!)

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Live from the Snowman Cam!

I have a little addiction I need to tell you about! I am addicted to the live streaming Snowman Cam in Gaylord, Michigan. This isn't too far from our log cabin. This live streaming snowman cam originally started out as a way for a gentleman named Ken Borton to keep his family informed about the weather conditions in his area. This web cam has now become famous and has been featured on ABC, USA Today as well as receiving many awards such as the Top Nature Cam. His web cam is focused on his wooden snowman, his goose statue and a thermometer. If you check it out sometimes - you'll see bear, turkey, deer, birds, squirrels and much more! I check it almost every day (this photo is from this afternoon) and I love seeing who visits his yard. Sometimes you'll see the goose and the snowman dressed up. Overall, its just a fun site to visit!

P.S. We weren't able to make it to the log cabin this weekend - there were just too many winter warnings for us to risk it. So now that my crying is under control, I am going to do a little shopping and find some cool items for the cabin. Hope you are all having a wonderful weekend!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Holding the log cabin together

I love this log post in our cabin! I keep looking at it thinking we should carve something on it - but the hubby muttered something about this being "load bearing" and do I want the whole cabin to collapse. Can we paint it? No! (Sometimes I like to ask Greg questions I already know the answer to. It makes for a very fun day!)

We are going to watch the weather this morning and make sure there isn't a blizzard before we we try to drive up to the log cabin. If we are unable to make it up there, I will be sobbing uncontrollably. (Afterwards I will need to go shopping to BUY something for the log cabin cuz that will make me feel better.) What do you have planned this weekend? P.S. I will be having another giveaway soon! It's time!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Experiencing nature at the Log Cabin

One of the biggest joys of where our log cabin is located is all the beautiful nature that surrounds us. Whether it's out our cabin door or in the next county over - Northern Michigan has a wild beauty all its own.

Nature can be so peaceful......

Like water running over snow covered rocks in the Ausable River....

A beautiful Doe frolicking in the woods....

A group of Mallard Ducks swimming soft circles.....

Or it can be vicious like a cougar attacking your arm!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Early Spring at the Log Cabin?

"If I had my life to live over, I would start barefoot earlier in the spring and stay that way later in the fall. I would go to more dances. I would ride more merry-go-rounds. I would pick more daisies.” - Nadine Stair

I really think I'm beginning to see signs of an early spring at our log cabin. Maybe it's wishful thinking but I submit the following as evidence.

My Black-capped Chickadees have been investigating the nest boxes I set up.

The creek has gotten wider.

Our lake ice is starting to break up.

And Baby has asked me where the patio furniture is. Psst! Jen - Baby says hello!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Valentine Chick at the cabin!

Ever since we've had our log cabin, I've been inspired to decorate for every season and every holiday. Some of you know I already put out some Valentine decorations. But here's the one that sent Greg over the edge. He said that I am "chicking" the cabin out with this Valentine's Day tree. (This is all said with good humor of course!)

But I bet he won't think these yummy cupcakes are too "chicky" for him! Huh mister? What do you think about these? Should I give them to all the chicks on our street?
(P.S. I love you!)

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Happy Place

As many of you already know, my log cabin is my "happy place." And what better place to celebrate Valentine's day with my sweetie? I ordered one of our absolute favorite treats - Cranberry Pecan Bread from Zingerman's to bring up with us. If I could get my hands on that recipe.....and then make fresh loaves every day.......oh never mind! I'll just continue spending the $15 per loaf until the day I die. (P.S. One of my blogger buddies - Charli & Me - just did a post on Zingerman's. It's just a wonderful place you have to experience!)

Since the weather should be mild this weekend, Greg and I are going to try to clear a better path to the lake. We have a lot of brush in the way to reach the water. Besides, I'm a Loon Ranger - I have to have a better view of my little friends!

What are you planning for Valentine's Day?

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Bird house collection

I've never really collected anything in my life before. I know some people have collections like dolls, stamps, cows, etc., but I never did. I used to think maybe I was a wine collector - but I was always emptying it out (no - I wasn't DRINKING it all) by giving them away as gifts, bringing a couple bottles to parties, etc. so it never grew substantially. I have a good friend that collects Coca Cola items - so she was so easy to buy for. My mom likes tea pots and tea cups. My husband likes watches. Me - I like to buy canned cat food for my cat because it makes him purr!

Anyways, in looking at the space above our cupboards at the log cabin, I thought a birdhouse and some greenery would like nice up there. Then I had to get a couple more because just one of them up there didn't look right. Then POOF! I now have 10 birdhouses - so I guess I have finally become a collector of something!! How about you - what do you collect?

Monday, February 9, 2009

Amazing Log Homes

I was surfing the net checking out other log homes. No, I'm not in the market for one but I do love seeing other design styles - it makes me dream of what I'd do for my next log home. Greg, don't get nervous - I'm talking way in the future! And also a much more humble size than the homes featured below. HGTV did a profile on "Amazing Log Homes" and here's what I found:

This log home is 8,000 square feet. I think it's so "warm" looking for its size and I love how it blends into the hillside.

This 10,000 square foot log home is located in Colorado. I love the roof angles and all that stonework on the bottom of the foundation.

This is one of the largest log homes in America. It is 20,000 square feet! The owners have 6 children and 10 grandchildren so I guess they can all comfortably sleep there, huh?

Check out this log home in Costa Rica! I bet the weather's nice.....

And here's our log home. We didn't make the cut for HGTV but I love my piece of paradise just the same!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Escaping from Winter

Enough of being stranded in the log cabin. Today we are going to escape from the winter blues. Hurry up, let's get in the boat! Any boat!

Okay, let's pretend it's 78 degrees with a light breeze. We are sailing across Lake Michigan and the water is fairly calm.

We've been sailing for several hours. Can you see the lighthouse from our boat? It's probably time to head back.

Now let's go have some fish & chips! How does that sound?

P.S. Whose boat was that anyways?!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Glorious Morning

What lies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales in comparison to what lies inside of you.”

- Ralph Waldo Emerson


I remember the day I took this photo from my kayak. It was a glorious morning. The lake was quiet and calm with a mist rising in the distance. The loons were calling to each other. I could breathe in the fresh crisp air. I was able to slip into nature and be a silent observer. I'm looking forward to having another morning like this soon. Hurry spring!

Friday, January 30, 2009

Dreaming of a blue lake

As we are headed up to our snowy cabin on our snowy lake, I will be dreaming of spring when the blue lake returns.

To my hubby - a quote from Anne Morrow Lindbergh:

“I have been overcome by the beauty and richness of our life together, those early mornings setting out, those evenings gleaming with rivers and lakes below us, still holding the last light.”

little bradford

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Tahquamenon Falls - For Betsy & George

As many of you know, my log home is located in beautiful northern Michigan. Another place equally beautiful is the Upper Peninsula. I want to show you a piece of this wilderness - Tahquamenon Falls which is located in Paradise, Michigan. (Seriously, that's the city's name.)

Betsy (of Joyful Reflections) and her husband George (of Senior Moments) love waterfalls and have shared many lovely photos of their trips on their respective blogs. I dedicate this post to them. (P.S. They are 2 of the nicest blogger people you could ever meet!)

Seney - Paradise - Hiawatha 017

Tahquamenon Falls State Park is approximately 52,000 acres and the main attraction of this park is the Tahquamenon Falls of course! The upper falls is one of the largest waterfalls east of the Mississippi. It has a drop of 50 feet and is more than 200 feet across.

Seney - Paradise - Hiawatha 039

These photos I'm showing you are of the Lower Falls which is comprised of 5 falls around an island. The Park itself is beautiful to walk through and offers all sorts of great activites such as camping, hiking, backpacking, cross country skiing and much more. They also have a great variety of wildlife - especially the birds. I saw my first hummingbird here!

Hope you enjoyed this part of Northern Michigan! You all come back, ye hear!
(I've always wanted to say that!)