Showing posts with label Farm in Gaylord. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Farm in Gaylord. Show all posts

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Take a country drive with us...

When we are up at our log cabin, we sometimes like to go exploring and take country drives. I'm always looking for beautiful scenes and wildlife to photograph. If you go a little further outside our town of lakes and trees, you can find some nice surprises.

Let's head down Wilkinson Road. We'll pass a ski resort along the way.

Here's a nice little creek (or river?) that we stopped to admire along the way. You can hear the stream running over the rocks and the water is very clear.

If we head over to the other side of the road, the creek continues. Still plenty of snow here in Gaylord!

As we go further down the road, we are starting to see farm pastures.

Well looky here! Here are some moo moos!

This guy actually looks pretty mellow. If you want to see a more intimidating cow I photographed at this farm, click here.

Well it looks like it's time for lunch! Let's head back to the log cabin and I'll make you some Macaroni & Cheese. Sound good?

Monday, January 12, 2009

Can I have one of these?

Some of you already know what a big animal lover I am! I think our log cabin needs a big dog for sure. But then I start getting off track....

I drove by this farm about 20 minutes from our log cabin......

Me: Can I have a horse?
Greg: You drove by that farm, didn't you?
Me: Yes.
Greg: We don't have a farm. Our log cabin is on a lake!
Me: Minor obstacle.

Mr. Horse: Shelley, wouldn't you like to take me home?

Me: Yes, yes, yes!!