Showing posts with label Build a log cabin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Build a log cabin. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

My "hope chest" for the Log Cabin

See this little pine cone lamp in the picture above? It holds a very special meaning to me and our log cabin. When Greg and I first started thinking about a log cabin 5 years ago, we talked about what it would look like and what we would do once we had it. It was in the early stages of dreaming. We weren't talking cost,mortgage, builders or any practical stuff.

One day we were in a small town shop and I saw this pine cone lamp. I told Greg I liked it and wouldn't it be great for our log cabin. And then I said, well, it will probably be a while before we can build a log cabin so no sense in buying this lamp right now. Greg grabbed it off the shelf and said let's get this honey, we will have a log cabin one day and this will go in it. This was the 1st item for our log home "hope chest" and now it has a permanent home. I bring this story up because a woman in one of my log home groups was talking about how they were years away from building a log cabin but she wanted to buy stuff for it now - I told her she should do it - the dream will come true and the road to get there makes it all worth it!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Hanging the deer head in the log cabin

Okay, the delays are over. I had to give in after saying "let me think about it" twenty times in answer to Greg's question "can I hang my deer head here?" I have to admit, seeing how proud he was to hang this in our log cabin and the care he took to position it over the dining area - made me smile. But now as I'm eating dinner...I know that deer is watching me.....!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Phase I - Landscaping the Log Cabin

Phase I of landscaping the log cabin has begun! First we are having the lot graded. There were so many rooty branches sticking out of the ground after construction. We hired this guy to grade the lot, prep a driveway and put the mulch out. The trees and bushes won't go in until fall - which is one of the best times to plant in Michigan, that and spring. After grading the lot on Friday he said he would be back the next day to finish. When I left the cabin on Sunday, he hadn't been back. Maybe I get to keep his tractors?! Perhaps I should give them a spin?

See my new tractor on the right?

One day this sign will actually be telling the truth!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Milling the logs at Hiawatha Log Homes

When I went for my training at Hiawatha Log Homes, I was looking forward to seeing the log milling in action. When you witness the logs being cut and milled, you realize what a precise art this is as well as how dangerous. It takes extremely skilled and patient people to prepare these logs. Here is a rough, simple version of the process:

The logs are being kiln dried to reduce the moisture in the logs so you don't have as much settling. A moisture content of 19% or less is the standards set by the Log Home Council.

Here is a Norway Red Pine log being milled.

Look how talented this lady is! See how smooth the log is.

The logs are numbered and stacked into piles to get ready for delivery to the future log home owner!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Log Cabin Family Room

I'm still in the process of getting our main level family room in order at our log cabin. I'm trying to create a cozy, conversational area with the couches and 2 chairs. Now I'm on the hunt for a nice coffee table and a fireplace (I may get an electric one.) What I really like about this area is that we don't need a t.v. - just some people, good conversation and a great view of the lake. We are going to finish the walkout basement to create a recreation room so the hubby can sneak a big screen t.v. and a bar down there. (Also his stuffed fox with the pheasant in his mouth!!)

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Reviewing the progess of the Log Home

During the of building our log cabin (a.k.a. log home now!) - I documented the progress with close to a thousand photos. It is great to look back and see how it all came to life and also all the fun memories. It's still amazing to me how the crew unloaded and stacked the logs - especially as they reach the loft level during the major winter storms in Gaylord. I hate heights but I would climb the ladder to be in the center of the building process and watch the logs go up. My husband was harrassed by me every Friday at 4:00 with the questions "what time are you leaving work? What time can we leave for the log cabin?" As I'm getting ready to piece all these photos together in an album, I realize what a fulfilling family history that Greg and I have embarked upon and how my stepson will be able to look back and recount it with his own family one day. We are creating memories.