I thought today it would be interesting to hear from Greg and share his thoughts on our log home as well as get a "man's" perspective.
I told him I'd ask the questions and he answer with the first thing that comes off the top of his head. This could be dangerous! Here goes:
Me: How do you like our log home so far?
Greg: I enjoy it very much!
Me: What's your favorite thing about our log home?
Greg: The windows overlooking the lake.
Me: Least favorite?
Greg: We
should've went a little bit bigger.
Me: Where do you plan on putting that boat, ATV and all those trailers you have currently stored on the side of our property?
Greg: In a garage I intend to build.
Me (coughing): When do you think this will happen?
Greg: I don't know.
Me: When you see our neighbor's goat named Sugar - do you think "aw I went to pet her" or "oh I'd like to shoot her because I'm a big hunter?"
Greg: I'd like to shoot her. (Blog readers - he is just kidding....really!)
Me: Speaking of hunting, what do you think the chances are that I'll allow you to put up another animal head in the living area?
Greg: 100%. (I checked - he hadn't been drinking when he answered this.)
Me: How would you have decorated this place differently?
Greg: I would've hung up some guns & fishing poles.
Me: What do you plan on doing in the basement?
Greg: Finishing it off and making a bar and rec room.
Me: What's the funniest thing that's happened at our cabin so far?
Greg: When I left the
door wall open and went fishing for three hours and then found Marvin the cat outside in the woods. (I was a little perturbed....)
Me: If you could invite any famous person to our log cabin, who would it be?
Me: Who would win in an arm wrestling match between you and our builder Randy?
Greg: Randy!