Showing posts with label embroidery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label embroidery. Show all posts

Friday, August 27, 2010

the tale of a pillow

many moons ago there was a sweet and happy pillow. he was made with much love and tenderness using the softest linen, some oh so cute red and aqua fabric, and accented with the sweetest little embroidered mushroom house. he was so loved by even the wee ones, that one day he got dirty. now he didn't look quite as lovely anymore being dirty, so he was given a bath. while in his bath the saddest thing happened, he started to come apart, and not just a little. he now looked like an old rag. for far too long this once sweet and happy pillow got set aside and forogotten. this made all the wee ones sad, as they missed their cute little pillow.

so one day the mrs. came along and trimmed a little here and trimmed a little there. after a little bit of extra love and attention he turned into a new bright and happy pillow for all the family to love again!! :)

the end!

see ya next week!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

hand stitching at the beach

this week-end we enjoyed spending the day at one of our favorite beaches in port townsend! the kids had so much fun gathering logs and pretending they were surf boards. :) quite funny! there is also a fun fort there that they love exploring.

while the kiddos played i worked on a couple little hand stitching projects. with so many ideas in my head i seem to have a hard time sticking with just one.

finally got this cutie stitched up so i can start working on my scattered hexie quilt!!

got back to stitching this cute matryoshka doll!

almost done!

a few hexies for a simple little project

sand covered toes!

cute little kiddos!

my half dozen! ;)

Hope you are having a terrific tuesday!

Friday, August 13, 2010

giveaway~ pdf patterns!!

And the winners are...

97 ~ Marcia said...

Thank you for introducing me to all of these great artists!
I love all of the patterns- my favorites are-
Annie: Christmas Cuties
Kate: Sea Views
Rebecca: Sand Castles

214 ~ Justine said...

I follow Kate's blog

167 ~ Joonzeboo said...

I follow Rebecca's blog

Contact me to pick which pattern you'd like and I'll email it straight away! :)


For shop news, I am now offering some of my favorite quilt and embroidery pdf patterns; from some of the most talented, amazing, and kindest artists! How exciting is that??!!

Get ready for lots of cuteness!! As all of Annie Oakleaves patterns are exactly that, C U T E!! Ever since I saw Annie's patterns a couple years ago, I fell in love!! From the most adorable little gnomies or as she calls them eenies, to the sweetest little woodland cuties to all the lovely little holiday collections! One of the best parts is you get full collections with each set! So many possibilities with each collection to make the most adorable projects for years to come!! Also, keep a look out in the shop, as I have more collections to add!! ;)

Noel from the Christmas Cuties collection!

A little hedgie from the Woodland Cuties collection

Sweet little birdie from the Woodland Cuties collection! Hand stitched by the sweet Kristi.

I love you deerly, from the Woodland Cuties collection! Hand stitched by the sweet Kristi.

An eenie dracula from the Halloweenie collection. Hand stitched by the sweet Kristi.

Falling raindrops from the Eenie collection. Hand stitched by the sweet Kristi.

Gnome home from the Eenies collection! Hand stitched by the sweet Kristi.

Now to introduce one of my favorite designers of quilt patterns, which I'm sure many of you already know, Kate Conklin!! Kate has some of the most amazing quilt patterns, from her new "Sea Views" to the sweet "Wonky Donkey" that captured my heart!! I can't wait to see all the new patterns she creates in the future!!

Last but definatley not least, my FAVORITE new designer, Rebecca Johnson of Chasing Cottons!! When I first saw the "Sand Castles" quilt not long ago, I was truly A M A Z E D!! At some point I will have to make one, as it will for sure be an heirloom that the whole family will love!! Isn't it just GORGEOUS!!

Another simply amazing quilt pattern, the "Star Jewels"

Would you like to to be one of 3 winners, of one of these amazing patterns??!! Yep, I thought so. ;) Also, If you want double the chance to win, head over to my dear friend Heather's FANTASTIC blog as she is also giving away these AMAZING patterns. :)

Here is how to win on my blog~

  1. leave a comment on this blog post telling me your favorite pattern from each artist.
  2. link to this post on your blog (please feel free to use the photos from this post!) and then come back here to leave a comment telling me you have done so.
  3. follow my blog, then come back here to leave a comment telling me you have done so.
  4. follow annie's cute blog, then come back here to leave a comment telling me you have done so.
  5. follow kate's amazing blog, then come back here to leave a comment telling me you have done so.
  6. follow rebecca's fabulous blog, then come back here to leave a comment telling me you have done so.
  7. follow heather's hip blog, then come back here to leave a comment telling me you have done so.
If you do 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7 please make a separate comment on this post for each letting me know what you have done so as the comments are your entries. So if you do all five you need to leave 5 comments.

This is a short giveaway and ends Sunday, August 15th, which I will announce the winner soon after!
Good Luck!!

Make sure to come back on MONDAY, as I will be offering another amazing GIVEAWAY!!

Monday, August 2, 2010

bambi's bunting!

this week-end i was itching to do a little craft project! with seeing these cute little buntings here, here, and here, i just couldn't resist!! i combined a couple of the ideas and made a sweet little deer stringing along a bunting! i just LOVE it!! it was such a simple project, yet so much fun!!

do you recognize this cute little deer? i enlarged it from the lecien's carmel town fabric!! :)

a little hiding gnomie that i started stitching up yesterday for a little mini with a row of hexies! :)

Hope you have a whimsical week!!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

jack and jill~ embroidery!

i'm so excited i finally finished my jack and jill embroidery that i'd been working on for quite some time! marianne created the pattern, by slightly changing the adorable hansel and gretal pattern from doe-c-doe, to this super cute jack and jill. the moment i saw it, i fell in LOVE with it. when i asked if she minded if i stitched one up too she was so sweet and sent me the pattern! THANKS so much marianne!! now to decide how i want to use it?? hang it in a hoop, make it into a simple quilt like this or this, or maybe a cute pillow like this? what do you think?

and lookie what just arrived in my mailbox!! this super cute mini pincushion from the ever so famous susan, aka chickenfoot!! isn't it just the cutest!! the adorable little mushroom also came in the package!! THANKS so much, susan!! i LOVE them both!!

Happy Thursday!!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

a bird on a limb

I just finished my Bird on a Limb pillow for the Pillow Talk Swap, and just in time! Tomorrow is the deadline. Phew!! The embroidery is my absolute favorite part, just LOVE how it turned out, with a simple clean look. When I saw the pattern on Etsy I knew it was perfect for my partner, and it was a lot of fun to stitch. The Joel Dewberry fabrics were perfect and looks as though they were made to go together! It's kind of funny as even my hubby is having a hard time giving this one up! :)

For shop news, I will be setting my shop on Vacation mode today till July, 6th. We are going to take some much needed family time. :)

Castle Peeps just arrived and Heather is giving away a fat quarter set from my shop in the Cardinal Red and Royal Blue collections. Make sure to stop by to enter! I'll be listing it in my shop once we re-open in July! So keep a watch out.

oh, isn't it just so cute!!

See ya soon!

Friday, May 7, 2010

woodland happiness~ a wall hanging and matching pincushion!

My dresden mini wall hanging is done!! Yippee!! I am loving all the cuteness, with the Heather Ross new gnomies and mushrooms, flea market fancy seedlings, woodland creatures, and lots of polka dots!! All my favorites in one quilt!! This sweet little quilt is going to my swap partner for the Urban Home Goods Swap, but no tears for me cause I have one in the makes for my studio. :)

For the center I used the cute Russian Sweetie embroidery I did earlier this week. My partner also likes Matryoshka dolls so I thought it would be the perfect touch! I sure hope you like it, my sweet partner!! It was sure fun to make, trying to include all your favorites!! For the pattern, I used Oh, Franssons, easy to follow tutorial.

I also stitched up a cute pincushion to match the wall hanging. It is the first pincushion I have done and love how it turned out. They are so simple to make, so I will be making many more! The pincushion was inspired by these cuties.

I just love the gnomes in this color!!

One more thing! My sil, Tasha is having a GIVEAWAY on her blog and it ends tonight! Hop on over and say hi, and enter to have a chance to win $20 in embroidery patterns from her Etsy shop.

Hope you are having a fantastic Friday!!