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Visar inlägg med etikett Colegio Atalaya. Visa alla inlägg

måndag 10 oktober 2016

Choir card

My youngest daughter has started to sing in the school choir and she and her friend volunteered to do "Choir cards" that they can use to show in the line for lunch at school (the choir is during lunch at school) so they can get in front of the others so they can spend as much time at choir as possible.
They worked hard during the weekend and this is just a few of all the cards they made this weekend.
I realized I do not have many notes or to be honest not much at all that is very music related...
I think they did a great job!!!

onsdag 14 september 2016

Apple watch card!!

My daughter asked me to make a special card from her class to their form teacher who had his birthday almost when the school ended in June. Lets just say that he got really suprised when he saw what they got him - an apple watch. Guess they liked him a lot. ;)  No parents were involved at all and the students thought of this themselves and saved the money together during the year.
Directly when they told me about the gift I knew what I wanted to do but it took me a while to figure out how to make the watch but I think it turned out good in the end.  


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