Yesterday Gemma and Teresa's adoptions were finalized on National Adoption Day . Our state celebrated this wonderful day in the Old Court House with an impressive ceremony. After the Ceremony we all were treated to lunch and festivities.
Each of the newly adopted children received a "Star Bear" ( a star will be named after each child), a new toy and a gift bag with a special gift inside. Teresa's gift in her bag was very significant... a sterling silver heart necklace.
We seem to be collecting a lot of items with a heart theme these days .
Teresa was doing really well this week until Friday night , she gave Ed quite a scare. Usually after her bath she will turn a little blue and after a few minutes she is fine. So after her bath on Friday night Ed took her downstairs and sat her on the couch while he went into the kitchen to get her a drink. When he turned around she was face down and not moving and very blue. He lifted her up and she was very lethargic . He immediately gave her oxygen and checked her sats. She was at 59 . After a few minutes she was better but her O2 levels remained low the rest of the night and for most of Saturday . Today she was doing much better and did not require oxygen .
We are returning to Hopkins on wed. . Hopefully we will have good results from the Sildenafil.
Thank You everyone who helped us on this journey to bring Gemma and Teresa home!
Your love and support we are eternally grateful for ! We could not have made this fantastic journey with out any of you !!
Thank you :
ASIA-Associated Services For International Adoption
Maureen Kenny- our Fantastic Social Worker
Congressman Elijah Cummings Office - Katie Malone, you are an angel!
U.S. Immigration- Officer Cindy- your help was priceless!
The U.S . Consulate in Guangzhou China-
All our wonderful friends who offered their love, support, fundraisers, dinners,car rides for the girls, and prayers !!!!
Father Whatley for your prayers, support and spiritual guidance!
St. Mark School for all your prayers, support and fundraisers!
China Care orphanage- for taking such wonderful care of Teresa and loving her so so much !!!
Continental Airlines
Ed's office- to his wonderful staff who kept everything a float while he was gone, and your love and support !
Grandmom , Alex and Sarah- our 3 baby sitters!
Jane and Paula - our emergency back up
Anonymous Donors- your donations were priceless, we are eternally grateful!
Prayer Warriors- your prayers have kept Teresa and us going !
Kathleen Cairns and Dave, you are just amazing reporters and we consider you friends ! Thank you for your love and support!
Jennifer Franciotti- your genuine concern in helping us to bring Teresa home showed that you are a fantastic reporter .
Thank you God - for giving us these Children to love !