1. Please introduce yourself – name,
where you are from, family, pets etc.
My name is Cindy. I am from Great Falls, MT where I live with my husband Jim, my youngest daughter Jessica and my 2 stitching buddies Elvira and Gomez. Cats are great stitching buddies.
2. How long have you been stitching
and how did you start?
I have been stitching for 40+ years. My
mother taught me to embroider and do crewel but once I discovered
counted cross stitch there was no going back to either of those.
3. How long have you been blogging and what inspired you to start? Is there a story behind your blog title?
3. How long have you been blogging and what inspired you to start? Is there a story behind your blog title?
I don't remember exactly how long I have been blogging. I started to be able to keep a visual record of my stitching. I don't post as often as I should because I would rather be stitching.
My blog title is a reflection of the fact that I have at least 2 full sets of DMC floss and I love all the color.
4. How would you describe your stitching style? Are
you a serial starter, a rotator, a OAAT (one at a time), highly
organised, random and eclectic, etc.?
I am a serial starter/rotator and highly organized. Each project has its own box complete with floss, q snaps, working copies etc. All I have to do to rotate is grab the box I want.
Chocolate, Chocolate and More Chocolate
5. Do you have a favourite
designer or style of design you are drawn to?
I am totally addicted to HAED but I also like Long Dog Samplers, Rosewood Manor and Ink Circles.
The Universe in a Jar
6. Which piece are you most proud of in your
I am the most proud of the one HAED I have mangaged to finish. Train of Dreams.
7. What has been your worst stitching disaster?
Don't know if I've ever had one.
8. Which of your projects most represents "you"?
8. Which of your projects most represents "you"?
My 20+ full coverage WIPs.
9. Tell us a secret about yourself. Or a joke. About anything!
I love to watch Ancient Aliens and How the Universe Works while stitching.