1. Please introduce yourself – name, where you are from, family, pets etc.
I am Beth and I live in Illinois. I
have one wonderful husband, 3 children - 2 boys in college and a
daughter who is a senior in high school. Almost an empty nester! My
daughter has a cat that loves me, although I only like it.
2. How long have you been stitching
and how did you start?
I have been stitching since I was
around 6 years old. My mom purchased stamped scarves for my sister
and I. My sister took a few stitches, crumpled it up and threw it
under the bed. I made several and then taught myself crewel. I still
have a few of those pieces. I stopped stitching in college but
started again after graduation. When I married, we moved to the Twin
Cities in Minnesota and I discovered the Embroidery Guild of America. A whole new world of stitching opened up for me! Group correspondence
courses, workshops, national seminars! I have never looked back.
Beth's First Needlework
3. How long have you been blogging
and what inspired you to start? Is there a story behind your blog
4. How would you describe your stitching style? Are you a serial starter, a rotator, a OAAT (one at a time), highly organised, random and eclectic, etc.?
I like stitching whatever makes me happy. I do pilot stitch for ANG and that forces me to have a deadline, but normally, I stitch what I feel like getting done. I always have at least 3 projects in the works: a large project that requires time and thought, a medium project that strikes my fancy and a small project to carry with me. If I have too many projects started and around, I start panicking. I do like having a canvas piece to stitch as that is one of my favorite mediums. I do rotate through some of my larger projects as they get a little tedious.
I love Gay Ann Rogers designs. She does canvas work and her instructions are wonderful. Her pieces can be challenging or very straight forward. I always learn something when I stitch her pieces. The other thing I love are geometric designs. Whenever I start a new one, my boys tease me about it. "Haven't you done this one before? It looks the same as the last piece you stitched."
6. Which piece are you most proud of
in your collection?
The piece I am most proud of is Elizabeth by Gay Ann Rogers. She was quite the challenge for me.
7. What has been your worst stitching disaster?
I have a hardanger angel in my basement that I counted wrong. I was so angry I rumpled it up and threw it across the room. It is close to being done but I am off and yet I can't bear to through it away.
8. Which new technique would you like to try, either stitching, finishing or another craft?
I think I am at the point where I want to get better at one of the many techniques I enjoy rather than trying a new one. But you never know!
9. Do you have a box of finished-but-not-fully-finished pieces? Or is everything FFO'd? What's your favourite way to fully finish a project and what do you do with them?
I started blogging in May of 2010. I
wanted a way to journal my stitching and it seemed like a great way
to start. A lady who does not blog any more inspired me and helped me
get started.
4. How would you describe your stitching style? Are you a serial starter, a rotator, a OAAT (one at a time), highly organised, random and eclectic, etc.?
I like stitching whatever makes me happy. I do pilot stitch for ANG and that forces me to have a deadline, but normally, I stitch what I feel like getting done. I always have at least 3 projects in the works: a large project that requires time and thought, a medium project that strikes my fancy and a small project to carry with me. If I have too many projects started and around, I start panicking. I do like having a canvas piece to stitch as that is one of my favorite mediums. I do rotate through some of my larger projects as they get a little tedious.
5. Do you have a favourite designer or style of design you are drawn to?
I love Gay Ann Rogers designs. She does canvas work and her instructions are wonderful. Her pieces can be challenging or very straight forward. I always learn something when I stitch her pieces. The other thing I love are geometric designs. Whenever I start a new one, my boys tease me about it. "Haven't you done this one before? It looks the same as the last piece you stitched."
Malachite Heart by Gay Ann Rogers
The piece I am most proud of is Elizabeth by Gay Ann Rogers. She was quite the challenge for me.
Elizabeth by Gay Ann Rogers
7. What has been your worst stitching disaster?
I have a hardanger angel in my basement that I counted wrong. I was so angry I rumpled it up and threw it across the room. It is close to being done but I am off and yet I can't bear to through it away.
8. Which new technique would you like to try, either stitching, finishing or another craft?
I think I am at the point where I want to get better at one of the many techniques I enjoy rather than trying a new one. But you never know!
9. Do you have a box of finished-but-not-fully-finished pieces? Or is everything FFO'd? What's your favourite way to fully finish a project and what do you do with them?
I have lots of projects that need to be
finished. I now know that I will always have projects that won't be
finished. I like learning the technique and stitching the piece, but
I don't necessarily want to hang it on my wall.
10. Which of your projects most
represents "you"?
I think the project that most represents me is the ANG Stitch of The Month that I taught to my guild. I stitched it 2 times and it has Hilton stitches that I love.
Flowers of Italy by Ro Pace
Blue (above)
Red, White & Blue (below)
11. Tell us a secret about yourself.
Or a joke. About anything!
No secrets to tell. I tell most things on my blog :-)
12. Anything you would like to add?
No secrets to tell. I tell most things on my blog :-)
12. Anything you would like to add?
I stitch to enjoy myself. It is to
relax and make something beautiful. My stitching is not perfect and I
don't enter things to be judged. One day I may, but nothing is good
enough right now. I try to stitch a little every day and make a
little progress on my projects. I think stitching should bring you
joy, If it doesn't, it is time to start another hobby.