Showing posts with label Andrea. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Andrea. Show all posts

Friday, 18 August 2017

Andrea from Goofin' Off Around the Block

It's funny how some stitchers start blogging, leave comments and it feels like you have known them forever when it's only been a few months.  This week's Blogger of the Month is one of them.  She made a grand total of 4 posts in her first year of blogging but since then she has become a regular blogger and commenter on many of our blogs.  It's always nice to meet new friends and this is a chance learn more about her.  So please take the chance to sit down with a drink and Goof Off with Andrea from:

A big thank you to Jo who puts this together every week.  It’s been a fantastic way to get to know so many of you and make new blogging friends.

1.       Please introduce yourself

My name is Andrea. I was raised in the Pacific Northwest in the state of Washington. As the crow flies, my current house is just a few miles east of the home I grew up in which is just a few minutes north of Seattle. I have a fun-loving husband who has always likened himself to Goofy. I also have a son who is grown and lives south of us a little ways. We get to see him at least once a week…and still like to take him on family vacations.

2.       How long have you been stitching and how did you start? 

I have been cross stitching for about 35 years. I took a class in middle school where we learned how to knit, crochet, needlepoint, cross stitch, embroider, quilt, and probably a few other needle arts I’m not remembering. Cross stitching was the hobby that really found a place in my heart, so I’ve been stitching ever since.

3.       How long have you been blogging and what inspired you to start? 

I have been blogging for a little over a year, although I really didn’t get into it until March of this year. I started blogging as part of a school assignment for a college class. I have been making so many awesome friends through blogging that I am hooked and haven’t stopped even though the class is long over!

4.       How would you describe your stitching style? 

At this point, I am pretty much a one at a time person…or one quilt and one cross stitch project at a time.  When I am working on a large piece, I’ll usually throw in some smaller projects just to mix things up. I used to be a serial starter, but now I like to see things through to the finish.

Chef Freddie's Favorites - Quilt Top Finish

5.       Do you have a favourite designer or style of design you are drawn to? 

Pretty much anything Disney, for starters…or anything that reminds me of Disney. My last project I finished was a Tinkerbell cross stitch. I am absolutely in love with that piece. Currently, I am working on a piece of Mickey Mouse and his friends all dressed up as Pirates. I am also a huge Randal Spangler fan. I have a number of his charts in my stash.

The start of Goofy and Friends

How the finished design will look:

6.       Which piece are you most proud of in your collection? 

Currently, I would have to say my Tinkerbell finish. However, I’ve got some fun projects planned over the next few months, so that just might change.

7.       What has been your worst stitching disaster?  

Fortunately, I don’t think I have any…at least not that I remember. I am a very…sssslllloooowwww stitcher, so mistakes are far and few between [knocking on wood].

8.       Which new technique would you like to try, either stitching, finishing, or another craft?  

I want to sew a quilt where the center of each block is a piece of cross stitch. I’ve got several designed but have a lot of other projects ahead of it.

9.       Do you have a box of finished-but-not-fully-finished pieces?  

Not anymore.  Hubby and I went through and got rid of a lot of “stuff” that was taking up room last year. All of those types of pieces were either fully finished or donated to Love Quilts or WOCS if appropriate.

10.   Which of your projects most represents “you”?  

Anything Disney or Disney inspired…and that includes the Marvel universe, Star Wars, and some other movie related things like Harry Potter, etc.

11.   Tell us a secret about yourself.

My dream job would be to be a Disney and/or family vacation travel agent. The Disney theme parks have an extremely special place in my heart. As a teenager, my family traveled to Disney World for the first time together. I was experiencing some difficult things at that period in my life, and Disney World was a magical place for me where I found a temporary escape. During that week, I became a different person. It may sound strange, but that week at Disney changed my life. I am very grateful that my hubby and son have embraced Disney just as much as I have.

12.   Anything you would like to add?  

I love, love, love making new blogging friends. Feel free to stop by my blog any time and leave me a message or “follow” me.

I should also add that as well as being a talented crafter, Andrea is a great wedding planner too!  Check out this blog post for a lovely wedding with a surprise theme: