Visar inlägg med etikett verandaparty. Visa alla inlägg
Visar inlägg med etikett verandaparty. Visa alla inlägg
söndag 8 juni 2008
Tack! / Thank You!
Thank You for all Your warming comments! I have to thank everybody this way since I haven´t had the time to visit You back or reply to all the comments. What a great party! I haven´t got through all the participants on the list but I will do so when I get the chance! I have been working and digging and planting and carrying around 25 kilo heavy stones...gosh!...What a gym I have here at home ...for free! I must have lost a pound or two!!
The incredible warm weather "forced" us to go swimming a couple of times!
En av mina favoritrosor:"Finlands vita ros", eller "midsommarros"...
One of my favorite roses: "The white rose of Finland" or "midsummer rose"
A beautiful really blue Geranium : "Johnsson Blue"

Jobbet börjar igen då i morgon men ....Jag kommer tillbaks! Ciao!
Work starts again tomorrow but...I´ll be back! Ciao!
Front porch party,
onsdag 4 juni 2008
Veranda party! / Front porch party!
Rhondi på rosecolored glasses har bjudit in till veranda party den 5:e juni. Man skall posta en bild av sin "front porch" alltså motsvarande förstukvist i Sverige eller posta en bild på önskeverandan. Vår förstukvist är i desperat behov av renovering och skall egentligen glasas in...när vi får tid....eller ork...och pengar! Men här är den i allafall.
Rhondi at Rosecolored glasses invites to a front porch party on june the 5´th. Your supposed to post a picture of your front porch or of a "dreamporch". Porches, like in the USA, are not very common in Sweden. This is the front of our house with a "porch" in desperate need of renovation. It will be replaced with a glass porch....when we get the time....or the strength...and the money! But anyway here it is.
Och till sist...en goding...en sån där blombild igen! "The beauty of Moscow" heter denna fantastiska syren...
And at of those flower photos again! "The beauty of Moscow! A fantastic lilac...
Ha de´ och tack för att du tittar in till lilla mig!
Have awonderful day and thanks for visiting little me!
Front porch party,
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