Showing posts with label Frustrations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Frustrations. Show all posts

Monday, January 5, 2009

~Reflections and Blessings From 2008!~

I know this is quite lengthy...but, bear with me...many said they couldn't wait for the more detailed version of my reflections of 2008. I wanted to divide it up in several posts...but it was flowing to good to break it up.

I posted my "brief" reflection of 2008 on my Thankful Thursday post...Looking Back. Now, I want to elaborate on that a little more, ok...a lot more :-)

I have blogged numerous post throughout this year (my first year of blogging, yeah!) of the trial, struggles, battles and sometimes, all out war that took a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual toll on me, my family, my children and my marriage. Only through the grace, mercy and sovereignty of God were we able to endure, survive and have complete victory in each and every attack of the enemy.

God is still working on our behalf, even though, it is now 2009 to continue to bring complete healing in each and every area of our lives.

I said in my post on 1/1/09 that we remained faithful to God and that is the truth. We never stopped loving God, believing that He could intervene, bring victory to the situations that we caving in on top of us and we never stopped attending church, paying our tithes or praying.

Now...let's get one thing straight...I said "we remained faithful"...I didn't say flawless, perfect and without fault.

I battled with major depression and anxiety because of all the attacks that came one right after the other and at times, there would be multiple attacks on top of each other. There were very few people who knew what we were going through during those horrendous years...yes, YEARS! My best friends knew most of the attacks but, we didn't even tell them some of the ones that were so personal until after the victory came. I have to say that there was only one person that knew EVERYTHING...I left no stone left unturned, kept no secrets, exposed every raw, ugly thought, emotion and truth was revealed and confessed in the privacy of his office...that person was my "earthly" savior...sent by God to us in our time of need...Pastor Rusty Blann.

What a man of God, full of wisdom, direction, discernment, my confidant and he is full of compassion and love! If he stilled loved me after all that I told him and didn't judge, he was a God send and a true man of God!

Pastor Rusty...we owe you so much. We love you with all our heart and appreciate you more that words will ever say or express. You stood by us through it all, you were there on every trial date...all day long, listening and praying, agreeing with us through that 3 year process. But, you have been there for us more than just the lawsuit but you stood with us through every attack of the enemy...helping to lead, guide and direction us through godly wisdom...every step of the way. We can't thank you enough. We love you!

That brings to mind, yet another time when God knew what we (our family) would need more than we did. I won't go into any detail that surrounded Pastor Rusty becoming our pastor but, God knew that I/we would need PR (Pastor Rusty) and no one else in the years to come. I have never confided in a pastor and don't know that I would have ever if it had been anyone other than PR. I am so thankful that God doesn't give us what we want but He gives us what we need.

There were numerous times that I wanted to give up, quit, run away from God and my family...but, God never let go of me...even, when I let go of His hand. When I would realize that I needed God and I couldn't do it on my own...God was right where I walked away from Him...He never moved...He was still standing right there waiting for me to return to Him. These periods of time never lasted long...couple of days to a week.

I learned more and more to cling to Him, depend on Him and dig deep into His Word for every promise I could find to stand on. During the lawsuit, God orchestrated every detail, every delay and ruled and reigned in the judge's heart to make the right decision (even though, she wanted to rule against us so bad). That alone was a 3 year and 5 days battle. Once again, God proved His faithfulness to us. There were times that it seemed like my prayers weren't getting beyond the ceiling. There were many times that I would get angry and frustated with God because they answers were coming...well, at least, I didn't think they were coming...but, they His time and right on time.

With all the attacks of the enemy on my family and within my family...we nearly divorced several times, even to the point that we separated. God restored our marriage and our relationship...we are stronger now than we have ever been in nearly 18 years of marriage.

With the attacks in our family with our son, Brandon, not knowing where he was for 6 months...God moved on his heart to call his little brother on his birthday 3 years ago. We have never been out of contact since. God is still working in that situation that needs divine intervention and only God can do the work that needs to be done. There has been so much healing in my heart, Roger's heart and Brandon's heart toward each other. God is working in Brandon's life and heart right now, whether he knows it or not.

This Christmas was the most enjoyable, precious and happiest time that I can ever remember with Brandon since Roger and I married...18 years ago. Everyday, every was a battle in our home with his biological father instigating so much strife in Brandon toward both of us.

The enemy sets things in motion, but when God blows up in the enemies face and the person who was physically behind it. Brandon hasn't spoken to his father in over 3 years. He finally saw his father for what he was and he has finally seen Roger...his Dad, for the godly, loving father that he is. Brandon has felt so much sorrow for allowing his father to manipulate him all those years and cheating him out of having a real father in his life, but Roger loves him just the same. It wasn't an easy time for any of us, but God is a God of restoration. He is working to bring complete healing in every area of our relationship and in Brandon's life. This Christmas was a testimony of God's faithfulness. What a story that will be when it is completed!

As most of you know, my mother broke her hip, December 16th and I have quoted what she has said several times about her "accident". She says that Christians don't have accidents because God know what is going to happen and He allows it for a reason. She says that He knew that morning when she got up that she would fall out the back door on the ice.

I hadn't ever really thought about it before but I can testify today that...I am a complete, 100% believer in that just might become my new famous quote...from my mom!

During these many years of "torture"...I became increasing distance from one of my sisters and 2 years ago...we became completely estranged. During the past couple of years, I haven't spoken to her except on Thanksgiving and Christmas...we were polite but it was nothing like we used to be. She used to be my best friend. I have mourned the loss of our relationship for a long time now...even, before the events of 2 years ago.

I was determined to forgive, not be angry and to pray for my sister and her family. It was during my mother's hospital stay that she came to see my mom from out of town...she was here for several days. We were placed in a situation to be around each other. I am one who would rather avoid a person than have a confrontation with them. I wasn't given the opportunity any long to avoid her. We spent several days together in the hospital room, talking, eating together, she walked me to my car late one night so I wouldn't have to go out alone and I drove her back around to the front entrance of the felt like old times. Christians don't have accidents...God is a God of restoration...and I have my sister back. I can't type this for crying...what a Christmas gift this was along with all the other blessings He has given us this year. (I talked to her for 2 hours last night on the phone...something, I haven't done in over 18 years...talked that long, that is)

We were battling with our investment property business going under and taking us down with it financially. God provided a way out for us in this too. It wasn't the way that we had been praying for but if it is God's way...then, it is the only way.

As I said in my post on 1/1/09, God gave me the promise of Isaiah 61...The Year of the Lord's Favor for our household for 2008.

We were believing for several things in 2008, they were:

  • Financial Peace: Done...Roger and I neither one have missed a check this year
  • Roger's Job Situation: Done...God gave him a job 4 miles from home working for a wonderful Christian man, who isn't afraid to quote scripture and tell his employees about Christ.
  • Brandon's Deliverance: In The Process...we have seen so much change...completion is just around the corner
  • Restoration In Relationships: Done...I have my son and I have my sister back
  • Real Estate: In The Process...will be completely out of it by end of 2009

2008 has truly been one of the best years of my life...only through Jesus Christ was this possible.

I am going to post the emails that Dorinda and I exchanged one year ago...December 13th, 2007 that confirmed my own personal, special delivery...Promise From My Heavenly Father...Isaiah 61 next.

Hope everyone is still awake :-)

Have a wonderfully blessed day!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I Need More Time...I Want More Time

"I can't take much more of this"

"Is there ever an end to this?"

"I am so tired"

"I am being buried alive"

These are things that my mind and body are screaming tonight. I am so overwhelmed and stressed out that my chest hurts...there is such a tightness in my chest. I feel like I'm going to snap at any given moment or just start crying.

I'm just being completely honest right now with what I'm feeling. There is never enough time in my day to get all the things done that need to be done.

You might say "prioritize and do what is most important".

Well, to me...they are all important! So, let me just unload here for a few minutes and tell you what a typical day is like for me.

  • I get up at 6:30 AM
  • get Tyler up
  • get my shower
  • fix his breakfast
  • eat mine while drying my hair
  • put make-up on
  • out the door by 7:40 AM
  • take him to school
  • come back home
  • walk into my home office
  • read my devotion...I have to pray all day long
  • start working
  • might break 15-30 minutes for lunch
  • leave here at 2:50 PM
  • pick him up from school
  • see how his day was on the drive home
  • go back to work
  • he and I chat more about his day while I'm working
  • get off work anywhere from 5-6 PM
  • fix supper or we grab whatever we can find
  • start the laundry
  • clean up the kitchen
  • write on my blog
  • check email and reply
  • pay bills and/or deal with budget and checkbook
  • try to spend time with my husband if he's not at the police dept.
  • run to Wal-Mart if needed during the week but try not to
  • read the paper
  • open the mail
  • put the dog out to potty all day long and bath her 2-3 times a month because she goes to the groomer every 4 weeks for a haircut and bath
  • have to clean litter box twice a week, feed the cat
  • take a bath...can't even enjoy it lately because I don't get in there until 10 PM
  • get in the bed
  • watch some tv to relax
  • get to sleep around 11:30-midnight...usually about 6 hours a sleep a night
  • (I don't do all of this everyday but they all demand my time)
  • I read my Bible, but I pray from the time I get up until I go to bed. I have set up a system for praying for those on my prayer list...I pray for certain ones in the shower, ones while I'm drying my hair, ones while I driving, ones while I'm at my desk and so forth.

You need to know that I have a very intense personality and want things clean plus organized. When it's drives me crazy. Clutter drives me crazy!!! Needless to say...I've been crazy for awhile now because things have been a far cry from organized and clean on a daily basis around here. I'm no where near as bad as I used to be because I've realized which things are important and those that aren't plus my son is growing up so fast and I'm getting too old to keep up the pace that I used to.

I'm so tired and I feel like I'm going to drop in my tracks. I don't get outside much except to take Ty to school and pick him up. We will be back to carpooling because he starts off season football training in another week or so. This means, I will pick him and the other boys up once every three weeks...which means, that I will only get out of the house in the mornings to take him to school. I don't get any fresh air or sunshine Monday - Thursday.

I set my own hours for my job and I need the income from a 40 hour week but wish I could cut back my hours like I used to work...but...still get paid for 40. Bills, bills and more tuition coming soon, Ty will need a car in a couple of years, house needs upkeep and, money and more money. I can't afford to drop any hours. The problem is...when I get off work, as do most of have another job(s) to do as a wife, mother and housekeeper. It seems to be a vicious cycle around here. I want off this merry-go-around because it's not so merry right now.

My house is a disaster area during the week because I just don't have the time to do that too. I will try to vacuum and sweep during the week, if time allows. I work (4) 10 hour days so that I can be off on Friday.

Friday, being my day off from my job but it is not my day off from my responsibilities as a wife, housekeeper and mother. I have to try to clean the house (deeper), run errands, buy groceries plus anything extra that arises.

I do have a wonderful husband, who has been taking Tyler to school on Friday so that I can sleep in because by then...I'm exhausted. I'm not getting any younger.

Now, with football games (we are finished with that now), Tyler's extra activities and meetings, church and the extra things that come up during the week...they take away from me doing these things at night. all piles up.

We are trying to get ourselves on a tight budget and that has taken so much of my time to organize all of that. Plus, we have investment properties (rent houses) that has demanded so much of our time in the past...thank goodness, we are getting out of that business.

Some nights...I just become defiant and just sit nothing all night...but, I pay the price the next day when there is twice as much to do.

I've tried the schedule where my son and hubby help out...but something always seems to keep them from it. My husband has a good excuse because when he is at the police department...he is working two full time jobs. He gets up at 5:30 AM goes to work, comes home, change clothes and off to the police department until midnight. This is not all the time but they are short handed and it has been quite a bit over the past couple of, he's not home much.

Up until last week, Tyler had football practice everyday after school until 5:30-6:00 PM, came home, got snack, did homework, ate supper, played some video games, took shower, watched some tv with us and went to bed. He didn't have any time available either. That will start back in another week or so when the senior high is finished with their games because he will be in the 10th next week...they will do off season with the high school. (9th grade is still jr. high here)

I don't want to disappoint or let my family down plus, I handle all the, if things are bad or not properly managed in that area...I feel like it is all my fault. I do this to myself...probably...because Roger doesn't...he is wonderful, understanding and helpful...when he has the time.

I'm not looking for sympathy or anything...just needed to vent tonight. It is now 11:20 PM, I'm tired and going to bed.

I will be more positive and "cheery" on the next post. But, for is what it is. I'm sorry...I know this is a lot of rambling.

These verses are for me...I'm preaching to myself here :) I just have to do it and make all this work out...I really do well with time-management...I just don't have enough time in the day...24 hours isn't about 36-48? That would be better :) That is not reality...fixing the problem is.

Job 30:27

The churning inside me never stops; days of suffering confront me. (NIV)

Matthew 11:28-30

(28) Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened, and I will cause you to rest. [I will ease and relieve and refresh your souls]. (29) Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me, for I am gentle (meek) and humble (lowly) in heart, and you will find rest ( relief and ease and refreshment and recreation and blessed quiet) for your souls. (30) For My yoke is wholesome (useful, good--not harsh, hard, sharp, or pressing, but comfortable, gracious, and pleasant), and My burden is light and easy to be borne. (Amplified)

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Modern Technology!

Modern technology...Internet access...GRRRRRRRRRR!

I have battled Internet issues all day is working one minute and it waits until I am right in the middle of doing something...then....poof! is gone! Oh...I forgot about all the power surges that have been happening all day as well. Yes, I have surge protectors but I guess these are more like mini power outages. Needless to say...I could scream right now!

When the mini outages hit, I have a number of steps that I have to go through in order to get back up and running. First, I have to turn the modem over, pull out the battery (what good is this battery doing...not keeping my Internet up and running...hopefully, it is keeping my phones on), pull the power cord out of the back, wait 5 seconds, replug it, wait for all the lights to light back up and then put the battery back in. However, it doesn't stop there because it has messed up my router when the power went off. So, I have to pull out my desk chair, move my foot stool, crawl under the desk to get to the back of the router, use an ink pen, press the reset button for 10 second, while holding the reset button in...unplug the power cord (takes talent...took me many times to prefect it) for 10 seconds, still holding the reset button with my ink pen...replug the power cord and still hold for another 10 seconds...then release, crawl back out from under my desk without hitting my head, which I have done more times than I care to remember.

However, today...all these steps haven't worked solely by themselves. I have to go to my desktop and click on my router setting and reset the router through the computer but only after it sees that I have an Internet connection. I had to do these steps 3 times in a row after the last power flicker...just to get back to being online.

My job solely depends on an Internet connection. No connection, no posting, no filing insurance, no transmitting claims...which means to my money coming in next week. All my claims have to be on their way to the clearinghouse by Wednesday afternoon to meet the Thursday deadline by most insurance companies for check to be cut by Friday...if I'm lucky. Besides, this is a short work week!!! No pressure:)

I can't begin to tell you how increasingly frustrated I've become today. In the middle of my last round of resetting everything...I stopped and said "Lord, help me...I'm about to lose it over something that I have no control over but yet I need to be able to control it because I have work to do!"

I felt the Holy Spirit nudge me and remind me of a scripture that I learned as a youth...way back when.

Jeremiah 33:3...God's Phone Number
"Call to me and I will answer you. I'll tell you marvelous and wondrous things that you could never figure out on your own.' (Message)

I was gently reminded that I don't need an Internet connection to connect to my Heavenly Father. I don't need a telephone line to connect to my Heavenly Father. All He ask me to do is to call on Him, tell Him what I am in need of, tell Him all my frustrations, my pains, my hurts, my anger and whatever is bothering me, leave them at His feet, surrender all to Him and TRUST Him. No amount of modern technology can ever take the place of this honor and privilege to be able to go to my Heavenly or night. He is ALWAYS there, ready to listen to me and send the help that I need. To know that when we is on the way. It might not always be "my will" but it will always be "His Will" and unlike "my will"...His is perfect, always on time, never wrong and always EXACTLY what I need...whether I know if or not...God sees the big picture.

Thank God today that He doesn't work off of modern technology...I sure am.


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