Showing posts with label funny. Show all posts
Showing posts with label funny. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Speaking of "Home for the Holidays"

While Christmas movies are a dime a dozen, there are precious few movies that focus on that other venerable holiday here in the U.S.: Thanksgiving. There is one, however, which is very funny - and maybe a bit too "close to home"  if your family tends towards "dysfunctional."

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Practically Perfect, like Poppins

Martha Stewart's Holiday To-Do List

Practically perfect, like Poppins

December 1

Blanch carcass from Thanksgiving turkey. Spray paint gold, turn upside down and use as a sleigh to hold Christmas cards.

December 2
Christmas season kickoff party with King's College Boy's Choir.

December 3
Using candlewick and hand-gilded miniature pine cones, fashion a
cat-o-nine-tails. Flog gardener.

December 4
Bake a pallet of festive cinammon rolls.

December 5
Get new eyeglasses. Grind lenses myself with jeweler's rouge and cornmeal.

December 6
Fax family Christmas newsletter to Pulitzer committee for consideration.

December 7
Send Christmas cards to sisters in prison.

December 10
Align carpets to adjust for curvature of Earth.

December 11
Lay Faberge egg.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

A Great Grinchy Trick

A friend turned me on to this gag-gift stocking-stuffer idea. It's very simple, yet kind of funny. Kids are certain to get a kick out of it.

What you need to do:

  • Buy a bag or three of M&Ms, plain or peanut (how many you buy depends on how many gag gifts you wish to make).

  • Pick out the green ones, and set them aside. Eat the others. :)

  • Get as many small bags as gifts you wish to make. Use Ziploc baggies, or if you want, buy some fancy little bags.

  • Apportion the green M&Ms out in the baggies.

  • Save the image file below to your computer.

  • Print one image per gift, and cut them out neatly. Fold and insert in bags.

  • Stuff the stockings with your homemade gag gifts.

  • You may also add some candy sprinkles, or edible sparkles, to get a more festive effect.
This image I've created is a high resolution .png file, so it's going to look really big on your computer screen - however, it prints at 4 x 2.7 inches.*

A Great Grinchy Trick

Card designed by R. Dean Brock. For personal use only.

*NOTE: you may need to set the printing parameters manually on your printer, as not every graphics-viewing utility will understand that this image is set to print at 4 x 2.7 inches. Adobe Photoshop and most other sophisticated photo-editing software will print it at the correct size, automatically.

Alternatively, you may print it at any size your printer dialog can manage because the resolution is high enough in the image that it will look quite bright and crisp all the way up to an 8.5' x 11' print.