Showing posts with label amelia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label amelia. Show all posts

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Hot Hot Hot!!!

As a special little treat after a long over due photo shoot for my next pattern release Abby and I decided to go stick our toes in the water at Yorktown beach. We had so much fun and it was just what we both needed after walking around Yorktown in 95°F+ weather! Gosh, I cannot tell you how anxious I am for this summer to be over. Abby and I played in the sand and went exploring by the rocks to see what we could find. We were lucky to see a few jellyfish and Abby even caught a crab. Of course she insisted on bringing it home so she could show it to her brothers so we now have a crab in our menagerie. After exploring for a while and watching the sailboats and we were even fortunate enough to see a tall ship we decided to head home and relax for a while in the cool comforts of home.


Monday, July 27, 2009

More of "Amelia"

With the release the other day of "Amelia", I wanted to show off a few more photos so you can see how very sweet this little dress really is. As with most of my designs there are many options when making them. Amelia is no exception. In the original design I have the big bow sash and the "bubble hem" but of course if you prefer a more scaled back version you could certainly omit the sash and have a more traditional hem line. Here are just a few more examples of "Amelia" at the beach!


Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Latest Olabelhe News

I have been super busy working on my patterns! This morning I sent out both "Victoria's Bonnet" and "Lucy's Cloche" to my testers. I will be very anxious to see what they make. The results are starting to come for "Peyton" and they are great!!! I have seen some adorable pinafores and everyone has been very pleased with the pattern....phew! I stayed up late last night drafting all the pieces for "Amelia" and this morning I started working on the PDF to get that ready to go out too. After that it will be "Janey" and then "Emily". I'm not exactly sure which one I am going to do after that...I need to think about it. Plus, I have started to think about designs for Fall/Winter. Hard to imagine when it's almost 100 here. But before you know it I will have to start working on Abby's Kindergarten wardrobe. I am hoping to come up with some adorable new ideas. Of course I also had to do some sewing this morning too. So I made up another "Amelia". Here is a sneak peek. My kiddos have been sick all week so Abby is not feeling like modeling and I can't really blame her.
So, I brought out my little dress form to be my model today. Thanks so much for dropping by.



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