Showing posts with label Tatum. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tatum. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Tatum Is Now Available In My Shop!

Tatum's Skirt is complete and ready for purchase. You can read more about this pattern 
and purchase it by clicking on the link below.

Keep a watch to see what my next Olabelhe 2 pattern is going to be . . .


Sunday, September 8, 2013

Summertime "Tatum"

This time we went with lots of color. With the end of Summer right around the corner Abby and I took one of our last chances this year to showcase this "Tatum" in a bright and cheerful Summertime print. You can really see the details in my fun little pleated bubble effect in this example. This little skirt can be worn so many ways and I hope I've given you some great ideas as to how you can incorporate this fun little skirt into your young ladies wardrobe. Mixed and matched with pretty tops and sweaters, Tatum is perfect for anytime of year and is sure to become a favorite in her closet.

I want to take a moment to Thank all of you who have sent me an e-mail box full of notes over the past few days expressing your enthusiasm over my new designs. This has truly been a labor of love and as hard as it is to see our little girls grow up this has been so much fun. Abby and I have worked together to come up with ideas that are fashion forward, feminine, and fun for this collection. Every time I create a new piece and try it on her for the first time my heart just bursts. I would have never imagined when I started sewing clothes for her that it would turn into what it has, and now that she is growing up and has ideas and opinions of her own this has really turned into quite the mother-daughter collaboration. The two of us coming up with ideas and them turning them into a reality. Then deciding on how to showcase each of them to inspire you. Lately, one of our favorite parts of the process is putting together the total look for the photos. Shopping for shoes, jewelry, and accessories has become so much fun and  we are having an absolute blast. These little shopping trips give us the perfect opportunity to have special "girl time" time to talk about just about everything without "the boys" around. Oh, some of the stories she tells are priceless. Just the other day I was in tears laughing because she is just so funny! I can promise you NO ONE is going to mess with her. She is one "very spirited" young lady with lots of ideas and I couldn't be more proud. She is going to grow up to be a very strong woman who knows what she wants and goes for it. Okay, proud mommy rant over.

Tatum will be arriving in my shop Very Soon!!!


Saturday, September 7, 2013

"Tatum" Goes Preppy!

This time I went a little preppy with Tatum. There is actually a great story about this particular skirt. I was at JoAnn's the other day buying more elastic and I was waiting in the endless cutting line. . . because I also spotted a few other things that just happened to hop into my cart. Anyway right next to the cutting table was a rack holding red tag fabrics and a sign on the cart saying 50% off. So, of course I had to peek and see if they had anything good. . . right? So, I spotted this plaid and just knew it would be ideal for Tatum and there was exactly enough to make one left on the bolt so it was just meant to, it only cost $1.50! Needless to say, I just love how this one turned out. Once again we paired it up with things that we already had and Abby has another really cute outfit for Fall. 

Thank you all so much for all the lovely emails and enthusiasm about this new design. I am just tickled that you are all so excited about this new pattern and anxious for it's release.


Friday, September 6, 2013

Meet Tatum! The Next New Design Coming to Olabelhe2!

Can you believe it . . . It's not another Mikayla! Today I want to introduce you to "Tatum" the newest piece I will be adding to my Olabelhe2 collection. I just think this little skirt is so special. Pretty, with a bit of sophistication, but still perfect for our young ladies who want to dress more grown up. Tatum has a slender silhouette with a gorgeous narrow pleated bubble at the very bottom to add a really interesting effect. This skirt is completely lined and features an elastic waistband for ease and comfort. Tatum will come in sizes 6-12 and will become available in my shop within the next few days. The top that Abby is wearing is another of my creations and I am still deciding if I want to add this to my collection as well. Can you believe how grown-up my little girl is becoming? Every time I look at her just a bit more of the little girl slips away and I see a beautiful young lady emerging. But I'm not going to get all sentimental here. I have several more examples of Tatum to show you over the next few days so keep a close watch for those and news about Tatum's arrival in my shop!



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