Showing posts with label Peyton. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Peyton. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Yet Another "Peyton" To Show Off

I actually took these pictures a few weeks ago and then completely forgot about them...silly me! I have just been so busy this summer with my new little pattern biz and spending time with family. I am actually starting to loose track of what I have done and what I haven't. Which is very unlike me. Normally, I am painfully organized but not lately. I have been a sewing mad-woman and there are tons of clothes here that need to be photographed and then turned into patterns...hopefully.

Anyway, here is yet another sweet "Peyton" and "Victoria" being modeled by Miss Abigail at one of our favorite places in Colonial Williamsburg. Normally Abby requests a trip to the candy shoppe in Merchants Square but on this day because it was so hot outside we opted to head straight to Cold Stone Creamery for her treat.....Vanilla ice cream with gummi bears!



Saturday, June 27, 2009

Introducing... Peyton's Pinafore

I created this design a while back and I received a ton of compliments on it. I love it's sweet femininity and delicate little touches. Buttons down the back and a little ribbon sash that ties in a bow at the back. It looks absolutely adorable paired up with pantaloons too! That pattern will also be in the works soon. Abby and I went out to one of our favorite spots to snap a few pictures to show off how sweet this little pinafore really is.

Tonight and tomorrow I will be putting the finishing touches on the first draft to go out to my testers. I always have butterflies the week or so that testing goes on. Fingers crossed that there are no major disasters and that my fabulous testers can make sense of my directions. Once all the results are in I will make the changes that need to be made and then it will be in my shop for purchase. So keep your eyes open for the big announcement!!!



Thursday, June 25, 2009

More Patterns On The Way

I have been super busy the past few days putting the finishing touches on not one, but 2 new patterns to go out to my testers. The first is Peyton's Pinafore and the second is Victoria's bonnet. After posting pictures of my Dream Outfit my mailbox was just filled with requests for me to make the bonnet pattern too.

Now, I know that not everyone is into hats, especially "over-the-top" ones like the one I originally made so I made the pattern so you can make the bonnet either the original way or more scaled down version which still just as sweet.

So keep watching for a few new patterns hitting the shop in the next few weeks.



Sunday, May 31, 2009

Girls Day Out!

This afternoon Abby and I decided to get out of the house and have a little "girl-time". We started our adventure by going to the salon, yes, mine is actually open on Sunday's and they were able to squeeze us in. Thank goodness, because I really needed to get mine cut and I thought Abby might enjoy a new style too. We had an absolute blast and all the ladies at the salon went nuts over her and spoiled her rotten with the royal treatment....she just loved it and asked "Mommy, can we do this every Sunday?" Oh, how I wish! It is so nice to get pampered once in a while. After that we popped into get a yummy smoothie to cool us down on this hot afternoon. Then as an extra special treat I surprised her with a trip to the beach so she could stick her toes in the cool water. Thankfully, I had my camera along. What a great afternoon, we will have to do this again very soon! I'm thinking the next time we go I let her get her nails done. I'm sure she would adore that. She really is such a girl!!!

Just a quick note: We also got matching haircuts. So, now we look even more alike.....if that's possible. Even, all the ladies at the salon were commenting. I'm not normally a matchy matchy kinda person but we both have faces that short, swingy Bob's look good on. So why mess with a good thing and Abby loves her new do!


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