Showing posts with label Mikayla. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mikayla. Show all posts

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Back To School Inspiration

I've been having way too much fun with my new "Mikayla" pattern. I wanted to show you a few new ideas as to how you can snazz-up this little skirt even more. This time I wanted to experiment with using multiple fabrics and various other little touches to give this skirt even more personality. As you can see in these pics I've added cute little faux pocket tabs with fun buttons to spice things up just a little and instead of having the buttons in the front off to the side, I put them down the center back. Of course I forgot to take a picture of that but trust me it's super cute. I also experimented with using different trims and laces to make each of the skirts have their own style. I even added an additional skirt to one of them for yet another look and possibility. So, as you can see this skirt has tons of potential! With school right around the corner for a lot of kids and some already back in school here's an opportunity for you to go digging in the closet and pull out some shirts and sweaters that she already has and then go digging in your stash and have fun creating a few new skirts to add to her wardrobe. That's exactly what I did here. All of these tops and sweaters were pieces in Abby's closet and I just had an absolute blast creating new outfits with what we already had. I didn't spend a dime, except for the fact that I had to do an emergency run to JoAnn's for more elastic because believe it or not I actually ran out. These are just a few of the now dozen or so of these I have made in the past few days. To be honest I'm kind of obsessed. Honestly, making them is kind of like eating M&Ms just isn't enough and once you get started you can't stop!!! I wanted to get pics of Abby modeling these for you but that will have to wait. Temps here in Virginia are still just too hot to be out in scorching temps and expecting anyone to smile. Anyway, I'm anxious to see what you come up with this pattern. Please keep the photos coming. I just love seeing what you all create!


Thursday, August 29, 2013

Today's The Day I Launch Olabelhe 2!

Introducing the first pattern to debut at Olabelhe2, "Mikayla's Skirt". For the past few days you have gotten lots of ideas as to how much fun this little skirt is and now finally the wait is over and the pattern is in the shop and available for purchase! For those of you who haven't heard I am starting a new project called Olabelhe2 where I will be concentrating on designs for our growing girls in sizes 6-12. These new designs will focus on what the current trends are "out there" but with my twist on them to make then a little more feminine and pretty along with a lot more discreet. You know what I'm talking about. I will be introducing new designs as well as bringing back some of my favorite Olabelhe designs which have new larger sizes as well as being updated to be a little more "Big Girl"to appeal to the t'weens out there. This is going to be so much fun and I have so much to show you but all in good time. For now let's enjoy "Mikayla" and let's see what you can do with this adorable new pattern!


Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Fun With Mikayla!

Abby and I had so much fun putting this outfit together. Once again I want to show how versatile this little skirt really is and how you can change it up in so many ways. This time I made "Mikayla" in a soft denim and used multi colored buttons to add some personality. Then Abby and I headed over to the shops to do some accessory shopping for the photos. We both spotted these crazy socks and knew
they were a must have and then we found the bracelets and we already had the t-skirt, shades, sneakers and headband. I've received quite a few questions about this fun little skirt and I want to clarify that yes, the buttons on the skirt are actually functioning. The bottom of the skirt has overlapping sides that cross over one another where it is buttoned. Even though the buttons are functioning they have nothing to do with the skirt "staying on", they are more decorative. I hope you are enjoying this new design as much as we are. I plan to release it any day now.


Monday, August 26, 2013

"Mikayla" As A School Uniform

After posting the pictures of "Mikayla" yesterday I was really anxious to show you how well it works  if you wanted to use it for a school uniform. I simply added an inch of length to the skirt and omitted the ribbon and you instantly have a really cute skirt that's perfect for school's which have a dress code. I have a bunch more pictures of Mikayla done in very different looks because I'm so excited to share this super versatile skirt with you. Plus, It's super easy and FAST to put together. I made two of them this morning in less than 3 hours!!!! Mikayla will become available within the next few days.


Sunday, August 25, 2013

New Patterns Coming Very Soon!

We are back from vacation, exhausted, tanned and filled with lots of precious new memories to cherish of time with my folks. Plus, a lot of funny stories which I'm sure we will laugh about for years to come. This past week while trying to re-coop from our trip I spent many, many hours in my studio putting the final touches on a bunch of new things I have been working on. I have lots of new patterns to debut for Olabelhe2 where I am now focusing most of my attention. These new patterns will be geared for our growing girls in sizes 6-12 who are wanting to be a bit more grown up. Here is a little sneak peek at one of my new designs , "Mikayla". Abby and I are both crazy in love with this skirt and I have already made a bunch of them for her in different fabrics while I was testing out this new design. I've made them in corduroy, denim, flannel, and quilters cotton and each of them is cuter than the next. Yes, I know this skirt is much shorter than I usually do but, this is what the t'weens are loving and it can be worn with leggings or tights underneath if you are concerned about the length or of course as with so many of my designs you can easily adjust the pattern to add an inch or so if you prefer. I was also thinking as I was making them up that this would be a great pattern to use for all of you who have your girls in schools which require a school uniform. I am honestly okay with this length, but Abby is wearing bike shorts underneath for discretion. "Mikayla" and many others will be arriving at Olabelhe within the next few weeks. So keep a close watch for news about new arrivals in the shop.



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