Now, there's a story that goes with this new little dress. It was yet another thing I dreamt up the other night! So, there I was at 2 am with this great new idea and I actually had to wait until 10 am when JoAnn's opened so I could go buy the fabric that I had just seen the day before when I was there and didn't buy it and then I go and dream about it...I knew I should have bought it when I saw it! Anyway, this sweet little button fabric was clearly on my mind and inspired this precious new dress, and I have to say it... "I'm crazy in love with this one!" It's truly the perfect party dress and if you add the cute little jacket it can be worn in the cooler weather...yeah! So, here's a little more about this one. The dress has a few very special features like, the sash bow can be tied in either the front or the back and either way it's adorable! Like Miranda & Natalie this one has a built in petticoat so it's very full and super girly, and you know how we love that! Little covered buttons down the back, of course if you didn't want to do the covered buttons you could use regular ones but...let me tell you these little 1/2" covered buttons are super cute! Then the sleeves, Love Love Love the little capped sleeves! The jacket is super easy but I have to tell you when I was making this one I was very thankful for packing tape. The outside of the jacket is made from white pin wale corduroy and the inside is red snuggle, it's like minky but without the bumps. Needless to say it's gorgeous and super soft and cozy but...it sheds and red fuzzies on white cord, well you can just imagine the mess I had for a while. Thankfully packing tape saved the day and I managed to get rid of all the fuzzies. Then, I stayed up half the night hand sewing on all those little red buttons all the way around the jacket...crazy, I know! But I tend to get a little nutty when I'm working on a new project and I was so excited I wouldn't have been able to sleep anyway. So, here is the result. Abby says this is her new favorite and I'm with her on that. Now... yes, this is going to become a new pattern, for the dress and the jacket, but keep in mind this is just the first one I have made. I need to make a few more and then sit down and start writing, editing, writing some more, drafting pattern pieces, etc. so it's going to be a while. I know I shouldn't even show you these things until I'm done but this one was just too cute to keep under wraps. I'm naming the dress Gabriella and I am still undecided on a name for the jacket. Any suggestions? Trust me, this little dress is going to be worth the wait!