Showing posts with label Annikka. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Annikka. Show all posts

Monday, September 26, 2011

New Kits At Allegro

Not much happened this weekend except for the fact that mommy came down with the flu and I sprained my ankle. . . ouch! Silly me I zigged when I should have zagged when I was out grocery shopping in the rain with a fever and I twisted it when I was running to the car with the cart trying to avoid getting soaked. Yes, I know, not the smartest move. So, I didn't do very much this weekend except curl up in bed or on the sofa and try to shake this thing and rest my foot. I had so many things I wanted to accomplish this weekend but mother nature wasn't cooperating anyway and it rained and rained all weekend long. So, if I had to be sick this weekend was a good weekend to do it. Don't you just hate the flu? It's such a waste of time...I just hope this one decides to leave quickly because I have work to do. The great news is 3 new Olabelhe kits are available at Allegro. Linda listed them in her shop over the weekend and they are ready to go. These kits are sure to go fast so if you are interested pop over to Allegro Fabrics to grab one before they are gone.


Sunday, September 18, 2011

More For Fall

Here is another idea for Fall and yes, another kit! This one will also become available next week! I used some really great fabrics from "Adorn It" a great little fabric company. Once again my obsession with gray but this time paired up with this gorgeous tomato red. If you are interested in this one it will be available at Allegro Fabrics! I can't tell you how much fun I am having making these kits up and thanks so much to all of you who are enjoying them as well.


Thursday, August 5, 2010

Maybe... If I Start Dreaming About Fall It Will Start To Cool Down...Maybe????

Swingy Smock Top made from Garden Vanilla with a Chocolate Brown Featherwale Corduroy 
bubble skirt and Pumpkin Long Sleeved "T"

"Annikka's Dress" made from Garden Geranium and Eggs in Nest

Can you believe this weather??? I am SO SICK of summer! I can't wait until you can walk out the front door without melting. So, I decided if I started sewing up some Fall stuff maybe it will magically start to cool down outside...not likely, but it's worth a shot. I decided to play with some of the "FreeBird" that we got into the shop recently. I just love this fabric so pretty and so FALL! Sadly, you are just going to have to settle for pics on the dress form. There is just no way I can ask Abby to put on long sleeves when it's 107 F outside! So for now these cuties will have to go into the closet while we wait for the temps to cool down. 

Finally, a shameless plug for FF&L where you can get these gorgeous fabrics!!!!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Yet Another Annikka!

As promised, here are the rest of the pictures from today's photo shoot. I made this one with some of my treasured Mary Engelbreit fabrics from her "friends & flowers" line. I can't tell you how much I love this fabric. I had been saving it for just the right thing and I think I did pretty good with this one. I had 5 different prints and I used them all in this one. I did the skirts in strip work and then had fun mixing up the prints in the bodice and sleeves. Then I added ribbon to make it "PoP!".....of course I couldn't stop there. Then I had to make her a matching headband...cute, cute, cute!

After our photo shoot we walked over to our favorite candy shop for payment due. Abby picked out treats for everyone and we even brought home a freshly made caramel apple to sample. Yumm!!! Yet another perfect afternoon!



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