The Spouse: Les loves to fish and is a Fisher of Men. He leads worship at our church and is certainly the spiritual leader of our home. Les taught vocal music for 13 years and loves reconnecting with former students. He arranges flowers, remodels the house and is taking private pilot lessons. Truly there is no end to his talents! Les is somewhat addicted to playing solitaire on his iPhone, CSI, Criminal Minds and any other detective show on TV. He is a pianist and is learning to play bass guitar. His jokes make me laugh (or want to kill him) and his voice makes me melt. He is my inspiration and my best friend.
The Bride and Groom: Sarah's life is full of beginnings--she is a newlywed and will soon be a college graduate. I'm so thankful for the adult friendship we share now but I fear I will never quit being her mom. Sarah can be found most often behind a camera or editing photos. I'm so proud of the success she has found so far in her business Sae Photography. Sarah connected with Jacob, the love of her life, at a Wednesday night church supper, smashing a cup on his head--And they lived happily ever after. She's chosen a wonderful guy whom I'm blessed to call son-in-law. Jake is a landscape designer, a pianist and a very punny guy! He's probably one of the few people I know who catches my puns! His business, Sunflower Landscape Design is so named because his desire is be like the sunflower--who turns it's face to the sun (the Son!) in every kind of weather, in every season of its life.
The Creator--Molly is a college freshman. She is majoring in graphic design. Or maybe Jazz Studies. Or Nursing. It won't matter because she will be terrific at whatever she does. Molly's heart for God and passion for Missions has taken her to Romanian Gypsy villages, the hurricane ravaged Gulf Coast and into the Colorado mountains. I'm always impressed with her maturity and sense of calm in every situation. And amazed at the mind boggling costumes she has created for our church youth camp. Because in spite of her serious attitude about the things of God, she is all about having fun and seizing the moment! Carpe Diem!