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Posts tonen met het label applique. Alle posts tonen

dinsdag 13 augustus 2019

Festival of Quilts (II)

Even now, some two weeks later, my head is still spinning with all I have seen at the Festival of Quilts.

After my rather randomly chosen quilts that caught my eye there in my previous blogpost I would now like to share with you two exhibitions that impressed me.

So I was pleasantly surprised when I walked into this exhibition Paisley Parade by Sandie Lush, a series of handquilted Welsh cot quilts using the paisley quilt pattern.

All small quilts, lovingly and beautifully handquilted:-

As demure and modest as the little quilts in this exhibition were, the large quilts in the next one were spectacular!

The Baltimore Album Quilts from the International Quilt Study Center & Museum exhibition!

I went back to this one so many times during my days at the Festival of Quilts, let me show you why:-

For me the star of this exhibition if not the whole show was this one, so many details, so many techniques, so beautiful:-

So much inspiration, don't you think? 

I hope you enjoyed this second blogpost of the Festival of Quilts, one more to follow…. please join me again next time.


maandag 22 juli 2013

A new technique

Isn’t this quilt lovely? No, I did not make this quilt, but saw it at the Quilterspalet quiltshop in The Hague , a very special version of a Dear Jane (or is it a Nearly Insane??) quilt this one, which is why I am showing it, made from 30’s type of feedsack fabrics.

I was at the Quilterspalet with Hubertine for a workshop to learn how to work with Appliquick utensils.

This is what we were up to:


With our teacher and shop owner Evy.
Because my hearing is less than perfect I always try to sit next to the teacher at workshops. Teacher’s pet, that’s me!
I found the Appliquick method really helpful, I can recommend it. From now on at least for those really small applique pieces I will be using this method.
Also at the Quilterspalet I saw this:


Isn’t that adorable?!
Meanwhile hubby and R&R friends made another 36-hour trip to the last Rolling Stones Hyde Park concert on July 13.  Again, the guys made it way up to the front, where he was able to take these pictures, nobody between him and his heroes!

Apart from the Appliquick workshop not a lot of quilty things going on right now, I find it too hot, get too distracted by the heat. I did make a few extra stars for Eline’s quilt, though.

Enjoy these summer days!

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