Showing posts with label Mouse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mouse. Show all posts

Friday, January 28, 2011

Off Label ScrapCessories Usage

You just never know when scrapping tools will come in handy for off label usage. The ScrapCessories were the perfect size to weight down the bin that contained the mouse so I could go cut the cardboard and scoot it under the bin.

Life Expectency for a mouse that breaks into a house with 4 cats and a dog is not usually long. Except that I caught the mouse with an empty sweater box (being extremely mindful of the fact that mice do play possum and can jump on your shoulder from the floor per DD's personal experience last year). The cat who had to drop it was quite miffed BTW.

So I get the mouse outside (yes I really do wish I had gotten properly dressed today) the mouse ran off through to snowbank, back to the plowed driveway, straight under my car. Then there was prolonged blinking whilst I processed this new development. I was no longer caring that I was just wishing that I'd gotten properly dressed today.



Another example of no good deed goes unpunished lol.

I need to get dressed properly so I can look for little pawprints leading away from my car. I still need tea or something.

UPDATE: The pawprints went under the car, towards the front porch, veered away suddenly (sometimes neighbourhood cats shelter under the porch) and then there were bounding pawprints leading away from the house. Where the quick retreat I saw the pawprints were maybe 3" apart at the point of prolonged bounding they are at least 8" apart. Fast, fast mouse. The cats, however, are still miffed.