Showing posts with label hip hop. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hip hop. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Freaka Freaka ~ Ch Ch Ch Check it.........

When I first read this weeks Team Undiscovered Treasury Challenge theme 'Hop to it' I thought, well I can't do anything with a rabbit or a frog! Well, because that is Im sure what everyone will do so the only other thing that kept coming to mind was hip hop, why? Because, I have to listen to my hubby freestylin' all day long so how could I possibly think anything else. 

So I decided to put that inspiration to good use, and I really think I came up with a sort of masterpiece on this one.  Well, just have a look below and decide for yourself.....

(Dont forget that this is a challenge and if you like what you see and want to help me win, your going to need to start clickin, and commenting as its the only way Im going to get to the top)