Showing posts with label ACEO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ACEO. Show all posts

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Oh How I've Missed This...

Getting sick sucks, but getting sick, like really really sick in the summer is really the pits!  After spending almost a week and a half in bed with the worst summer flu I've ever had it was so so nice to get back in my studio painting again!

So I broke out my twinkling H2O's  and a couple of ACEO's I had already precut up ages ago from 98lb cold press watercolor paper,  and painted these 2 little cards.  The second one down I used a rubber stamp from the Whimsy Stamps Lizzy Love Collection, her name is Maggie and you can purchase her to use in your own creations HERE!

ACEO / 2.5" x 3.5"
Twinkling H2O's

ACEO / 2.5" x 3.5"
Twinkling H20's, Tim Holtz Rub On, and Pearfect Pearls Mist

I will be back in a bit with another post (YES 2 in 1 day OMG! lol)  for all of the digital stamps that I have released on July 15th and today as well as the gorgeous samples my DT ladies have put together with them.

c u in a bit and thanks for checking out my paintings, let me know what they make you think in the comments below if you have time, I would love to hear about it. <3
xo Lizzy

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Day 1 ~ 29 Faces Challenge 2014

Winter Blues
2.5" x 3.5" 
Mixed Media Painting

Saturday, August 10, 2013

In My Art Journal

I've decided to give you a little peek inside my art journal today because the ACEO that I ended up creating yesterday originated there.  I actually have 2 art journals going at the moment, one is very rough, doodling, sketches and that sort of thing and the other is a mixed media journal for doing more painting and stuff however I rarely find the time to get to that one anymore.  So from the first journal...

After I did this little pencil sketch above yesterday I decided that he was just too darn cute to stay locked away in my journal as a pencil sketch and that he deserved his very own art card to be shown to the world!

So here he is in color...

Shy Boy Had A Bad Day
ACEO Mixed Media Original
2.5" x 3.5" on linen canvas paper
$10 on Etsy HERE

So when its all said and done I think I like the original pencil sketch better then the ACEO! lol He just seems to look a little bit cuter in pencil then he does in color, maybe I chose the wrong colors?  I'm not really sure, or maybe its just me?  who knows, what do you think?  Is he cuter in pencil or color or does it not make a difference to you? I would love to hear your opinions, comments and criticisms in the comments below!

Thanks for looking! Ciao for now! 

Friday, August 9, 2013

Dream Big

Unfortunately I'm still not feeling very well but I wanted to share the ACEO that I finished, it was the WIP from yesterday.  I don't have anything started to show you at the moment and I didn't write a poem to go with this one yet either.  I do intend on coming up with a poem for this one at some point so I will probably come back and add it in eventually.  Hopefully I get feeling better soon and get things back on track around here!!  I have a big art show coming up August 24 & 25 weekend which is why I have been building my ACEO collection back up again amongst other things as well, just hard to do much when your sick! blah

Dreams 6
ACEO Mixed Media Original
2.5" x 3.5" on mixed media art paper
available on Etsy HERE

Thanks for looking! Ciao for now! 

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Head In The Clouds

Dreams 5
ACEO on Mixed Media Art Paper
Mixed Media Original
Available on Etsy HERE

No one is who they seem
in this ever growing crowd
she's lost in a dream 
with her head in the clouds
~ Lizzy Love

I'm not feeling too well today so I'm just going to keep this post short and sweet.  This next pic is the ACEO that I am currently working on, I should have it done by tomorrow and will post the finished pics then.

Mixed Media Original on Linen Canvas Paper

Thanks for looking! Ciao for now! 

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Summer Snowballs

Just going to be a quickie post for you today to share a new ACEO that I have done, its the owl WIP from yesterday.  I don't have a poem to go with this one either so like I said, a real quickie! lol

Summer Snowballs
ACEO Mixed Media Original
2.5" x 3.5" on mixed media art paper
on Etsy HERE

I don't have a WIP to share with you today as I am still working on the other one I shared with you yesterday and have yet to start anything new.  I'm sure something new will blossom later today! lol

In the meantime I would love to hear your thoughts, questions or criticisms below in the comments!  As always thanks for looking and ciao for now! 

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

ACEO ~ ATC ~ Art Card

You may have noticed already but I'm back on an ACEO kick!  Over the past couple of days I have shared the new ACEO's that I have created and been asked about 5 different times "Whats an ACEO?"  So I decided before I go any further with the new ones today I would take a moment to answer that question once and for all in case there is still anyone left out there wondering "what the heck is an ACEO?" lol  To make this easy I just copied and pasted the web definition from Google as they tell it perfectly!

Artist trading cards (or ATCs) are miniature works of art about the same size as modern trading cards baseball cards, or 2 1⁄2 by 3 1⁄2 inches (64 mm × 89 mm), small enough to fit inside standard card-collector pockets, sleeves or sheets. The ATC movement developed out of the mail art movement and has its origins in Switzerland. Cards are produced in various media, including dry media (pencils, pens, markers, etc.), wet media (watercolor, acrylic paints, etc.), paper media (in the form of collage, papercuts, found objects, etc.) or even metals or fiber. The cards are usually traded or exchanged. When sold, they are usually referred to as art card editions and originals (ACEOs).

I have 3 to share with you today! First off is the WIP that I shared with you yesterday is now finished, it is #4 of my ACEO Dreams Series, mixed media on mixed media art paper.  I have written a poem about this one which I will share here with you in a minute.  I just also wanted to let you know that I did write poems about the last 2 that I created as well and not only are the poems written on the backs of the ACEO's but I also went back and added them into the blog posts and the Etsy listings so if you want to read them here are the links Dreams 2 and Dreams 3.

Dreams 4
Mixed Media ACEO
2.5" x 3.5" on mixed media art paper
Available on Etsy HERE

Some dreams are big 
other ones are small 
they can be short 
or mighty tall 
some times your dreams 
you sleep right thru 
other times your dreams 
they do come true
~ Lizzy Love

I actually have 2 WIP to share with you today!  The first one here is going to be an owl when it is finished and I am not sure if you can make out the sketch of the owl on top of the paint or not, I haven't started to paint the owl in quite yet.

So far I started with a piece of mixed media art paper cut to size.  I collaged a bunch of small pieces of sheet music that would of otherwise been scrap as they were so small to the card first. I then added acrylic paint, I guess I over did it a bit with the paint as you cant see much of the sheet music at all now! lol I sketched the owl out on white tissue paper and applied it with gel medium to the surface and that is as far as I've gotten with this one so far.

This next one is going to be #5 of my Dreams Series and it is going to be another big eyed girl.  So far with it I used a piece of mixed media art paper cut to size.  I did something a little different with this one, something I never did before as I just had the idea last night.  Im sure a lot of other artists out there already know and do the little technique using Tim Holtz distressed inks by applying the ink in a couple of colors to the Ranger craft mat and then adding water and placing your paper or in this case my ACEO in the water ink mixture then lifting it up to see what you got.  Well in this case I did that with spun sugar and broken china distressed inks only instead of spritzing water on it I spritz Perfect Pearls mist in the perfect pearl color which is just translucent shimmering white.  I am in love with the result!!!!!  Well, you can see for yourself...

Ok, the pic above does not do it justice at all!!!!!!  This card shimmers so beautifully and when you tilt in the light you get all these shimmering blues, grays and pinks through out the whole card, it is really something!  So after I did that with the inks, I added the clouds and raindrops and a postal stamp but wish I hadn't done the postal stamp, its ok though because I will be painting the girl in and hopefully she is going to cover up most of it anyhow.  

I should have these 2 WIP done by tomorrow to share with you!  Thanks for looking and if you have any questions please feel free to leave them below and I will try to answer them the best I can!
Ciao for now! 

Monday, August 5, 2013

Dreamer Of Dreams

Yesterday I shared with you the ACEO that I was working on and today I have it finished and photographed and so super pleased with how it turned out!

In case you missed yesterdays post, this is what it looked like then...

and this is what it looks like now...

#3 in my ACEO Dreams Series
Dreams 3
ACEO on Linen Canvas Paper
2.5" x 3.5"
For Sale HERE

"Behold these eyes
they're not what they seem
there's magic in the sky
they're the dreamer of dreams"
~ Lizzy Love

Heres a pic of my current WIP, its also a mixed media ACEO but doesn't have quite so many layers as the last one did.  I started out with a piece of cold press watercolor paper cut to size.  Ripped a piece of newsprint slightly smaller then the card and sealed it down in the middle of the card using Mod Podge. I then distressed the entire card using Tim Holtz distressed inks in Broken China (blue) and Spiced Marmalade (orange) (I told you I'm really digging those colors right now lol thats 3 ACEO's in a row with that color combo!!)  Next I distressed just the edge in Black Soot (black).  I used a honeycomb stencil and sprayed a golden orange color of Smooch Spritz at one end and a blue color at the other end thru the honeycomb stencil.  Im not sure what the proper names are of the Smooch Spritz are cuz they dont say it on the bottles and I thru out the packaging when I bought them so it is what it is. lol  Next I added a small piece of striped blue washi tape at the bottom right corner and then I drew out a girl on tissue paper, cut her out and sealed her to the ACEO using gel medium.  I give my reasoning behind why I do this in tissue paper in yesterdays post near the bottom if you are curious.   Finally I just started to paint the girl in before I took the pic so thats where Im at now....

I am planning on using blue for her hood since you really dont see much of the blues that I already used, the orange is very over powering and the girl covered up a good portion of it too.  I should have this ACEO finished tomorrow to share with you.  

Thanks for checking out my art! Ciao for now! 

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Pickled Pajamas

You may remember a couple of months ago I had a Giveaway on my FB Page for getting to 1000 "likes" and the winner got to tell me what they wanted me to paint for them.  Over the past couple of weeks I have been working on the winners custom painting and finally just finished it last night.  

The specifications I got from her were...  Use book pages and sheet music, the colors pink and purple, the same girl from a previous painting I did titled "Pondering",  give the girl freckles, put cat ears on her head and throw a panda in somewhere.

This is what I came up with...

Pickled Pajamas
12" x 9"
mixed media original on canvas
Prints available on Etsy

While Im here I thought I would share an ACEO WIP that I am working on at this moment...

I will tell you a bit about my process so far for this mixed media ACEO.  I cut a piece of linen canvas paper 2.5" x 3.5" in size (standard ACEO size), I then used Tim Holtz distressed inks in broken china and marmalade with water to create a background (you cant see much of it at all now) lol  I then covered it in white tissue paper to add texture.  Once dry I used mesh dry wall tape putting a larger piece at the bottom right corner and a small piece top left corner.  I used cobalt teal and cadmium orange hue acrylics and added some more color.  The music notes are Tim Holtz washi tape and the black circles are a stamp with black staz on ink, and finally to complete the background I used a paintbrush to splatter white acrylic paint randomly all over the card. The girl I drew in pencil on tissue paper and then cut her out and applied her to the ACEO with gel medium.  The reason I do this is because once you get all this texture and color built up on the artwork it makes it really difficult to sketch anything in pencil on the surface. The reason I use tissue paper and not regular drawing paper is because the tissue paper is so thin that once applied with the gel medium you can hardly tell that it is even there.  Once I paint over the tissue paper you will never know it was ever there unless I tell you like I am now! lol  If you do this process with regular drawing paper or even just white printer paper you will be able to see the paper line and it will look like it was applied to the painting after the fact instead of looking like part of the painting.  Just a little trick I've taught myself over the years. :)  

I should be able to show you this finished ACEO card tomorrow. Ciao for now! 

Friday, June 14, 2013

The Watcher

I have an ACEO to share with you today! I just finished it last night, the theme for this ACEO was to be summertime so to tie it into the theme a bit better I wrote a poem on the back of it which I will share with you as well.  I should also mention the reason for this ACEO was an ACEO Swap that I signed up for about a month ago and secretly forgot about it til they started posting pics a couple of days ago of the finished ones!!!  Woops!!!!  At least I didnt miss the deadline which is tomorrow for mailing lol I mailed mine out today!!! yay!  You can see all the ACEO's from the swap once they are all posted HERE.  Anywho, I will post a pic of the ACEO I receive from the swap when I receive it but for now this is the one that I sent to my swap partner today...

The Watcher
2.5" 3.5" ACEO
Mixed Media Painting

and written on the back....

In the warm summertime heat
sits the beautiful owl
isn't she sweet
perched up in the tree 
she sees and hears all
just out of sight 
these old trees are quite tall
a splish and a splash 
she sees the kids all swimming
chirp chirpidy chirp 
she hears the birds all singing
she's the watcher and guardian of all I've heard
theirs nobody else quite like that wise old bird!
~ Lizzy Love

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Sugar Spun Zombie

Sugar Spun Zombie
Mixed Media ACEO
$17.50 on Etsy

Spun with sugar all sweet & nice
charmed by her beauty but spooked by her spice
moans and groans so full of pain
fall for her & she'll only love you for your brain!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Twinkle Twinkle

Twinkle Twinkle
2.5" x 3.5" ACEO
Mixed Media Original Painting
$25 @

I created this ACEO last night after being inspired by Natasa May's Blog Post on painting big haired girls, check out her awesome video she made about her process!

For mine I used acrylic paints, markers, inks, watercolor pencils & lots of sparkles,  the stars and moon were painted on a separate piece of paper then cut out and strung with thread before I used super heavy gel medium to attach them all to the art card.  The finishing touch was the glow in the dark paint that I used to paint all the stars, moon and thread with so when the lights go out you get a neat surprise!  Once the sun goes down tonight I will try to capture the glow in the dark part with my camera and share the pics on my FB page if I am able to do it.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Let Your Dreams Lead The Way

I created this new mixed media ACEO last night using acrylic paints, markers, india inks and a quote that I typed up on the computer in Courier Font.  It is now available in my Etsy Shop HERE.  

I also wanted to mention that as I am working on all new ACEO's right now I have put all my art cards from last year and older on sale for only 99 cents!  They are all original hand painted cards, not prints!  I just want to get them all cleared out to make room for all the new ones that I am currently making!  They are going pretty fast though but there are still a few left in my ACEO section on Etsy HERE.   Til the end of May if you spend $10 or more you can get $5 OFF using the coupon code MAY05 at checkout!

I also created this ACEO 2 days ago, you may have already seen it on FB or Etsy when I posted it yesterday but thought I would share it here for those of you who may have missed it!

See you soon with more ACEO's!!! ( the little buggers are addictive! lol)

Monday, January 21, 2013


For the new year I have taken part in an ACEO Swap going on within the ACETSY Team and I just finished mine last night!  For anyone unsure of what an ACEO is...

ACEO = Art Cards Editions & Originals
must be 2.5" x 3.5" in size and can be any medium
very collectible and quite often traded 
when trading they are often referred to as ATC
ATC = Artists Trading Cards

 For this swap they must be new originals done for the swap so my partner and I decided on a theme that was "Dark, Raven, Crow, Gothic" and so this is what I came up with...

This ACEO is titled "Cheer" and is mixed media done on a piece of linen canvas paper.  I used an old page out of a book, modge podge, gesso, Rooibos Tea to stain and acrylic paint and ink for the picture.  It is signed, titled and dated on the back and comes with a certificate of authenticity which is also pictured with it.  As well I wrote a little poem to go with it and it is also written on the back of the artwork.   This is the poem...

He stands and waits
he watches the clock
time ticks by
tick tock tick tock
here it is
a brand new year
he celebrates
the loudest cheer!

Would love to hear your comments or criticisms below...

Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Sound Of Silence

I finished another fabric ACEO last night titled The Sound of Silence and featuring yet another big eye zombie girl, this one is under water blowing bubbles! lol

You can find out more about it from the Etsy Listing.

I also received a custom order on Tuesday to create one of my hand painted journals with my big eye art on the front and a high heel on the back.  This is how it turned out...

I am always available to create a custom hand painted journal anytime of anything you can dream up or want me to dream up for that matter lol  Turn around time is apprx 2 days and this makes a lovely gift.  I can do just the front for $35 or both front and back for $50.   If I paint only the front the back is still done to match the front it just wouldn't be hand painted with a picture.  For example, had the one above been ordered to be painted only on the front then the back would have been just the solid leopard print with out the painting in the middle.  There is a listing in my shop for the custom order if you are ever interested in placing one.