Self-frosting cupcakes
I first saw these cupcakes on Niki's blog, Esurientes, where they looked delicious! She had found them on Nic's Bakingsheet. Then they kept cropping up everywhere else:
ChichaJo at 80 Breakfasts has made them twice
Lushlife at Not Just Desserts
Barbara at Winos and Foodies
So I thought, "why not see what all the fuss is about?" And I'm pleased to report that these humble cupcakes lived up to the hype!
Like Niki, I used Kraft Nuts About Chocolate instead of peanut paste or Nutella. When I'd first seen it at the supermarket I wasn't that interested, since chocolate and peanut spread could - of course - never be as good as everyone's favourite chocolate and hazelnut spread Nutella. Could it?
Before I whacked this stuff on my cupcakes I thought it would be a good idea to eat a spoonful first. Wow! It tastes just like a liquid Snickers bar! I could probably eat a whole jar if I wasn't careful!

The cupcakes turned out really well. The cake itself was nice and vanilla-y and the Nuts About Chocolate frosting was fantastic. They look really cute and taste great. They were pretty quick to whip up too. Please visit Esurientes for the recipe.
If you end up baking these cupcakes or know of anyone else who's blogged about them, please let me know and I'll update my little list! I think it's cool that this same recipe has been baked around the world.
More happy self-frosting cupcake bakers:
Violet at and the dish ran away with the spoon
Factobrunt at Too Young to be Grumpy
food and drink cupcakes baking chocolate
So I thought, "why not see what all the fuss is about?" And I'm pleased to report that these humble cupcakes lived up to the hype!
Like Niki, I used Kraft Nuts About Chocolate instead of peanut paste or Nutella. When I'd first seen it at the supermarket I wasn't that interested, since chocolate and peanut spread could - of course - never be as good as everyone's favourite chocolate and hazelnut spread Nutella. Could it?
Before I whacked this stuff on my cupcakes I thought it would be a good idea to eat a spoonful first. Wow! It tastes just like a liquid Snickers bar! I could probably eat a whole jar if I wasn't careful!
The cupcakes turned out really well. The cake itself was nice and vanilla-y and the Nuts About Chocolate frosting was fantastic. They look really cute and taste great. They were pretty quick to whip up too. Please visit Esurientes for the recipe.
If you end up baking these cupcakes or know of anyone else who's blogged about them, please let me know and I'll update my little list! I think it's cool that this same recipe has been baked around the world.
More happy self-frosting cupcake bakers:
food and drink cupcakes baking chocolate
At 12:15 pm,
Anonymous said…
Kelly - I'll add you to my list for the Donna Day where we bake these and you can bake them again. Did you get the meme I tagged you for?
At 5:53 pm,
Kelly said…
Hi Barbara, how exciting - Donna Day! Sign me up!
I'm working on the meme. Turns out I do have more than 23 posts, which is handy!
Hi Cin, mmm, I think I might try them with Nutella next time. Did you happen to post about your cupcakes? I had a poke around your blog and couldn't find them.
At 12:14 am,
Anonymous said…
Yes I've noticed the these cute little muffins popping up everywhere. Not only are they self-frosting, but self-propagating as well! =)
At 2:29 am,
Nic said…
Hi Kelly. I'm glad that you gave these a shot. They look great. They are very addictive - in that they are tasty and that the keep hopping from blog to blog!
At 8:47 am,
Kelly said…
Hi AG, there's a reason they're so popular - they're so delicious and easy to make! Yum!
Hi Nic, thanks for the compliments and thanks for bringing them to our attention! :)
At 1:14 pm,
venitha said…
I have got to stop reading your blog when I'm hungry. =)
At 2:36 pm,
Niki said…
Yes, I want to try them with Nutella next time as well. I do like the Nuts About Chocolate, but I like Nutella even more. And thick, thick, sticky, tar-like Appelstroop (apple syrup) has GOT to be a goer. My bf has two jars of it in his fridge so I don't suppose he'd notice if I stole one....
At 2:38 pm,
Niki said…
Oh, thought I should mention that I can't see your photo! Is it possible the link has disintegrated upon itself?
At 8:27 pm,
Kelly said…
Hi Venitha, you're in the best place in the world to take care of hunger and cravings! I often think "I need to stop dreaming about Singapore when I'm hungry!"
Hi Niki, I'm sure if he did notice the missing jar he'd forgive you when you appeared with a dozen of these cupcakes!
Hmm, do you mean the cupcake photo or my profile photo? I can see both of them at the moment...
At 10:47 pm,
Niki said…
It was the cupcake photo, but I can see it perfectly now....who knows?
At 11:27 pm,
Anonymous said…
Violet over at "and the dish ran away with the spoon" also made it :) Post dated Sept. 2...
Love these cup cakes!
At 2:58 am,
FactoBrunt said…
Hey Kelly, I also made these wonderful cupcakes. I used Snicker's spread though. I really can't wait to make some more.
At 7:30 pm,
Valisa said…
Like you I've been wondering about the cupcakes too! and the pictures from all the blogs mentioned were just mouthwatering! But I haven't had time to try them. I got this new hazelnut+chocolate spread from Venz I want to try the recipe with - unlike Nutella though they come in 2 colours. So impressed with your results, am going to try baking them this weekend with my daughter!
Merci for the inspiration!
At 9:05 pm,
Kelly said…
Hi Niki, must have just been one of those weird technology things!
Hi Joey, thanks for the tip off!
Hi Factobrunt, thanks for visiting! I've added your cupcake post to my little rollcall.
Hi Lisa, thanks for dropping by! I'm sure you and your daughter will love these cupcakes!
At 9:46 pm,
Amanda said…
What a good idea, doing a round up on these cupcakes!
At 9:42 am,
Kelly said…
Hi Lushlife, thanks! It's been fun :)
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