Earlier this week I'd burned my finger when I over-filled my teapot with boiling water, so I didn't get quite as much stitching done as I wanted, but I did get some work done on HAED's Angel with Iris by Nadia Stelkina. Now that I've got the Mark 2, I'll be working to keep the progress even across the piece, rather than working on the page that fits in an 11"x11" Q-Snap. To that end, I'm working the tops of pages 10 and 11 right now, so here's where she stands. As you can see by the threads, I'm working a lot of confetti!
HAED Angel with Iris by Nadia Stelkina |
As for the HAED All Hallows Exchange, I did one final round and received Aimee Stewart's Past Present Future. This is rather different from most pieces I've chosen, with bright color and an abstract design. Yet I'd been drawn to it and added it to my wish list after seeing another stitcher's fabulous WIP of that design.
HAED Past Present Future by Aimee Stewart |
A new Facebook Group called The Stash, Stitch and Honking Rakateers Club has been set up to continue the fun started with the All Hallows Exchange. A SAL is planned to begin January 1st with stitchers doing new starts of charts received via the All Hallows Exchange. Though a final decision isn't needed until the end of the year, I will probably start this one. It's the smallest of the new charts I've received this month and probably has the least amount of confetti, too.
On a final note, I hope that anyone reading this who lives on the East Coast gets through Hurricane Sandy unscathed. I used to live in New York and know how bad such storms can be. My prayers are with you!