I went to a fun estate sale last Friday and found that the ad was true when they said "lots of man stuff with 5 tables full of tools"!! At first I wasn't so sure that I even wanted to go, but the lady who runs these sales assured me there would be stuff there I would like! Well, I guess she was right 'cuz I filled up my van again!!! The man who's stuff it was told me that his late step-father was quite the collector and never threw anything out, with the thought that he could put it to future use. Funny, 'cuz my father-in-law was the same way! So there was every tool, nail, nut, bolt and plumbing part known to man! But what I really fell in love with was the containers everything was in!!

Like these awesome large locker baskets~~so I filled them with the stuff I like!

A fun assortment of keys, pulleys, locks and other cool metal stuff! Great for windchimes and other projects.

I've been looking for doorknobs to make these photo holders! These are the ones I put together and I love the way they turned out!! I got this fun idea from Joan at
Anything Goes Here who has these and other great ideas for photo holders in some of her posts from April. You should check it out--cheap and easy!! Thanks Joan!

Looks like I've got quite a supply!!

Great old jars and LOTS of old chain~~'cuz I wanna do this.......

I found this gorgeous photo in Better Homes and Gardens "Collectors Style" book and I love this idea!!
Then in the "not all guy stuff" section I found these pretty white dishes and lovely silver tray!

I also found a cute drop front desk that's still in my van! It needs a little TLC 'cuz one of the drawers sticks bad, but I have to wait until we dry out a little here! We've had tons of rain in the last few days!!
It was a fun sale-worth the drive and I have lots of ammunition now for some future projects!
I wanted to do a White Wednesday post, but I babysat my grandson the past 2 days and everytime I'd sit at the computer--he wasn't havin' it!! So I guess it didn't kill me to skip a week!! See you next time!